Dental crown in Turkey

dental crown Turkey 1
Written by Émilie

A dental crown in Turkey is a type of dental veneer. Where veneers only cover the visible surface of a tooth, a dental crown covers the entire tooth. provides information about dental crowns in Turkey and helps you book an operation with qualified surgeons. This content is for information purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional.

Price of a dental crown in Turkey

The average price of a dental crown in Turkey is €200. Depending on requirements, the minimum price is 170 euros and the maximum price 230 euros.

ProcedureCost Turkey
Dental crown200 €

What is a dental crown?

A dental crown in Turkey is a type of dental veneer. Where veneers only cover the visible surface of a tooth, a dental crown covers the entire tooth.

As well as restoring the natural appearance of damaged, chipped, misaligned or misshapen teeth and restoring smiles, dental crowns can also make teeth stronger and increase their ability to function normally.

If you have teeth that are physically damaged by decay, cracks or other problems, zirconium dental crowns can help. We offer dental treatment in Turkey for top quality, brand name dental crowns at affordable prices.

Advantages of dental crowns in Turkey

A dental crown is like a hat. It covers the upper part of a partially damaged tooth, restoring its functionality and appearance. They offer many advantages to those who need them.

They are most often used to restore smiles and create a complete smile makeover, including the shape and size of teeth. Because dental crowns cover the entire tooth, they can reshape your tooth. They are also used to protect teeth at risk of serious damage.

For example, if a tooth is at risk of serious decay, a dental crown can delay the damage and protect the rest of the tooth. If you are at risk of losing a tooth, a crown can be used to protect it. If most of the enamel has been worn away and only a stump remains, you can use one without removing the tooth.

Some patients in Istanbul and Antalya may use dental crowns to mask severe tooth discolouration or to give a more normal appearance to naturally misshapen teeth. They can also be used to create dental bridges to replace missing teeth.

Dental crowns for children

Dental crowns in Turkey are not just for adults. Turkish dentists may recommend crowns for children with oral health problems. Milk teeth are generally susceptible to decay. In some cases, the decay may become too severe for a filling and the dentist may recommend a crown. After all, children don’t always brush their teeth as instructed. Some children are unable to look after their teeth on a daily basis because of illness, age or behavioural problems.

Dental crowns can be used by these children to protect their baby teeth. If your child’s paediatrician has recommended dental crowns, you can get them in Istanbul or Antalya, Turkey, at prices lower than those usually charged in Europe. The products are completely authentic and of high quality.

Types of dental crowns in Istanbul

Dental crowns are generally classified into two groups:

Temporary crowns

Temporary crowns are recommended for short-term wear until the permanent crown is ready to be fitted, so you can chew and speak normally. Clinics in Istanbul and Antalya provide them free of charge.

Permanent crowns

Permanent dental crowns last between 15 and 20 years, depending on your oral hygiene. Dental crowns are made from different types of material, which can determine the quality and cost of the product.

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List of dental crown materials

Stainless steel

Temporary dental crowns are most often made from stainless steel. These crowns, which are very popular in Istanbul, are generally used to protect fillings or prevent decay. Stainless steel crowns are recommended for children, as the crown comes off naturally when the baby teeth fall out. Stainless steel crowns are also fairly inexpensive compared with other materials. You can also have these crowns fitted in a single visit to Turkey.

Alloyed metals

Some types of dental crowns are made from metal alloys such as platinum or gold. Most modern versions choose alloys with high concentrations of cobalt, chromium or nickel. Metal crowns are durable and can withstand the impact of bites. The biggest drawback is, of course, the metallic colour, which can make you look like a pirate.

Porcelain fused to metal (PFM)

PFM crowns match the colour of your natural teeth using a mixture of porcelain and a metal alloy. These crowns can restore the smile and strengthen the existing metal base. However, over time, if your gums recede, the metal line may become visible.

Ceramic or porcelain

Ceramic or porcelain dental crowns are used to restore natural smiles. Ceramic or porcelain crowns are not very different from natural teeth and can therefore be used to restore damaged teeth. These crowns can be used if the patient is allergic to a particular type of metal.

Brands of dental crowns

The following is a list of top-quality dental crown brands that patients can benefit from in Turkey:

Zirconium dental crowns

Cubic zirconium dental crowns are made from porcelain and zirconium, a strong mineral. Zirconia has the reputation of being a material that can boost the hardness of diamonds. Zirconium dental crowns in Turkey consist of a white zirconium core and a porcelain exterior. The porcelain gives the crown the appearance of natural teeth, while the metal inside protects the crown from impact damage.

Unlike typical metal crowns, zirconium dental crowns in Istanbul or Antalya never show a dark metallic line, even if your gums recede with age. The metal is also white, so there’s no noticeable difference. Thanks to this unique brand, you can enjoy the solidity of metal crowns and the appeal of porcelain crowns. Dentists in Turkey recommend zirconium dental crowns for replacing front teeth on the upper or lower arch. This brand is particularly useful for restoring damaged smiles.

E-Max crowns

E-Max dental crowns are all brand-name ceramic products. E-Max crowns are made from a high-quality material called lithium disilicate ceramic. The advantage of this material is that it is extremely resistant, durable and opaque. E.Max dental crowns have a translucent white appearance very similar to that of real teeth. These crowns are known for their strength and attractive appearance. If you’re looking for dental crowns to restore your smile, E.Max crowns are worth considering.

E.Max is a world-renowned brand in dental crowns. You can rest assured that your teeth will be of a natural shape and colour, indistinguishable from your normal teeth.

These crowns also contain metal-free alloys. E.Max crowns are very unlikely to fracture or crack. E.Max dental crowns are also very expensive.

Dentists in Turkey offer dental implants and the same brand-name E.Max dental crowns that you can find elsewhere in Europe, but at lower prices. You won’t have to incur very high operating costs to be able to afford the brand.

Post-operative follow-up of dental crowns

The first step in ensuring the durability of your dental crowns is to look after them exactly as you are supposed to. This is particularly important soon after the crowns have been implanted in your mouth. To keep them in the best possible condition, here’s what you need to know:

Temporary crowns

During your first visit, your dentist will begin to prepare your crowns. In particular, he will take an impression of your teeth to make a personalised crown. He or she will also file down your teeth for a better fit. While waiting for the personalised crowns to be made, you will receive temporary crowns. It is extremely important that you take good care of these temporary crowns. Because the fit is not exact, it can be dislodged or broken more easily. You must therefore follow your dentist’s instructions perfectly if you want them to stay in place until your permanent crowns are ready.

Choose your food carefully

The first thing you need to do is to be more selective in your choice of food. It’s best not to eat foods that can be considered chewy or sticky. These can stick to the crowns and tear them off, forcing you to have another operation. Similarly, you should also avoid very hard foods for a while. As temporary crowns are not very durable, it is possible for a piece of hard food to damage, break or dislodge the crown. You can also make a conscious effort to chew on the other side of your mouth for a while. At the very least, concentrate on this side for harder foods. This will also minimise the risk of damaging the crowns.

Be careful when flossing

While the temporary crowns are in place, it’s important to continue brushing and flossing as normal. However, you need to be a little more careful about how you floss. Avoid pulling the floss up from between your teeth. Instead, slide it gently out of the gum line. This way, crowns are less likely to slip.

Permanent crowns

The good news is that your final crowns will last much longer than your temporary ones. What’s more, they’ll fit better, so you won’t be able to dislodge them as easily. That said, you need to know how to look after them properly.

Immediately after the operation

It will take about 24 hours for your crowns to be properly cemented onto your existing tooth. Until this is done, there is a risk that the crowns will be pulled off by food or too much force in the crown areas. This is why you should wait at least an hour or two before consuming any food or drink. After that, it’s best to eat soft foods and stay away from anything hard, chewy or crunchy. You can resume your usual diet once the crowns have been properly cemented. During this period, you should also take care when flossing between your teeth. As with temporary crowns, you should slide the floss upwards rather than pulling it. After 24 hours, you can resume your usual oral care routine.

Ongoing care

You may experience some sensitivity/pain for a month or two; this is completely normal and expected. During this period, your Turkish dentist will advise you to use a toothpaste that reduces sensitivity. ( Sensodyne etc… ) You can also gargle with salt water 3 times a day to help the healing process. The purpose of your dental crowns is to strengthen the area above the gum line.

However, your gums and the area between the gums and the dental crowns are not protected by this prosthesis. So it’s important that you follow a healthy routine. This includes brushing twice a day and flossing regularly. If you have a history of periodontal disease, your dentist may recommend that you also use a fluoride rinse every day.

This will help prevent tooth decay. It’s also important to bear in mind that although crowns are durable, they can be damaged. You should therefore try to minimise high-risk activities as much as possible. Avoid biting into ice, cracking nuts, opening beer caps and other hard foods or materials. Also, protect your teeth if you play contact sports. If you usually brush your teeth, you should wear your night protection every day while you sleep.

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About the author


My name is Emilie Gervais and I live in Istanbul, Turkey. I am a medical writer with extensive scientific knowledge and over 15 years' experience in cancer research and molecular biology. I have experience in congress organisation and project management. I have the ability to convey complex medical and scientific concepts to a variety of audiences through a variety of media, including this website as a medium for my writing.