Plastic Surgery in Turkey

cosmetic surgery Turkey 1
Written by Émilie

Are you considering cosmetic surgery in Istanbul, Turkey? Here are the TOP 10 most popular procedures for women and men in the best clinics in Turkey. Key figures: length of stay, operation, hospitalisation, recovery time and type of anaesthetic. provides information about plastic surgery in Turkey and helps you book an operation with qualified surgeons. This content is for information purposes only and is not intended to replace professional medical advice.

Cost of plastic surgery in Turkey

The cost of plastic surgery in Turkey is very affordable. Hair transplants cost €1,800, breast augmentation €2,500, liposuction €1,900, blepharoplasty €1,400 and rhinoplasty €1,800. As well as €2,800 for abdominoplasty, €2,700 for buttock lipofilling, €1,400 for lowering the hairline, €2,200 for gastric balloon surgery, and €1,500 for penoplasty.

The average length of stay in Istanbul is 8 days. The price includes anaesthesia, the operation and medication.

Hair transplant1800 €
Breast augmentation2500 €
Liposuction1900 €
Blepharoplasty1400 €
Rhinoplasty1800 €
Abdominoplasty2800 €
Lipofilling of the buttocks2700 €
Forehead lowering1400 €
Gastric balloon2200 €
Penoplasty1500 €


Aesthetic surgery in Turkey remains a preferred solution for correcting aesthetic defects that arise from birth, illness, an accident or a deficiency in the body. It makes it possible toembellish and improve certain aspects of the body for aesthetic or practical and functional reasons.

Turkey attracts so many patients because it has the best plastic surgeons, the best clinics and the best hospitals. But above all, it offers very attractive rates, up to 70% cheaper than in Europe, thanks to an advantageous Turkish currency (Turkish lira) and an all-inclusive package (travel, accommodation, stay, hospitalisation, surgery, medication).

chirurgien esthétique en Turquie
Plastic surgeon in Turkey

Medical tourism plays an important role in Turkey, and plastic surgery is a highly competitive sector.

As well as being at the cutting edge of plastic surgery technology, Turkey also offers the best conditions for a stay(premium transport, VIP hotel, very rapid treatment).

In addition, there are access facilities for disabled people with reduced mobility (PRM), and a wheelchair hire service. You will receive special assistance on site, from the moment you step off the plane at the airport, to your hotel and the clinic.

Statistics 2022: Plastic surgery in Turkey

In 2022, medical tourism for plastic surgery increased by 85% and is estimated to have earned Turkey 1.9 billion dollars. The country has also created new infrastructures and launched translation services for international patients. In addition, pricing policy is controlled by the state, with special regulations. This explains the success of plastic surgery in Istanbul or Antalya.

According to a study by the International Institute of Aesthetic Surgery ( ISAPS), an average of 522,000 plastic surgery procedures are carried out each year in Europe. On the Bosphorus side, more than 800,000 surgical procedures will be carried out in Turkey by 2021, and 940,000 in Istanbul by 2022.

Before and after photos

reduction mammaire avant après en Turquie
reduction mammaire avant après en Turquie
Photo avant apres implant mâchoire intégrale en Turquie
implant dentaire turquie avant apres
avant apres facette dentaire turquie
Facettes en Turquie

Women and men alike have recourse to plastic surgery in Turkey and the surgical procedures vary according to the needs and objectives of each patient. Here are the top plastic surgery procedures for men and women in Turkey:

Plastic surgery for women

Women continue to undergo the most plastic surgery. They account for 70% of all plastic surgery patients.

Chirurgie esthétique pour femmes
Plastic surgery for women

The most popular plastic surgeries for women are :

  • Liposuction of the hips, stomach and thighs: liposuction is a treatment designed to rectify physical appearance and lose weight by removing fat from the hips, stomach and thighs.
  • Breast surgery: women often undergo this surgical procedure for breast reconstruction following removal after cancer, breast augmentation or breast reduction.
  • Lowering of the forehead: this cplastic surgery procedure consists of readjusting a forehead that is too large. It brings the hairline forward to harmonise with the rest of the face.
  • Eyelid lift or blepharoplasty: This surgical procedure is used, among other things, to erase wrinkles, age marks and imperfections. It is performed as part of facial rejuvenation.
  • Buttock augmentation or BBL (Brazilian buttock lift): This involves reshaping or filling the hollows of the buttocks with fat taken from other parts of the body.

Plastic surgery for men

Men account for 30% of plastic surgeons’ patients in Turkey.

Chirurgie esthétique pour homme
Plastic surgery for men

The most popular plastic surgeries for men are :

  • Hair transplants: These are performed to mask baldness or alopecia. It allows thinning areas to be redensified by re-implanting hair taken from the donor area.
  • Blepharoplasty: This corrects the problem of drooping eyelids, which make the face look old and tired.
  • Abdominal liposuction: This involves suctioning and extracting fat and skin from the abdomen. This method is very popular with overweight men and women.
  • Rhinoplasty: This aesthetic procedure involves reshaping or correcting the size and shape of the nose for aesthetic reasons, but also for functional reasons (correcting breathing, reducing snoring, etc.)
  • Penoplasty: this surgical procedure consists of lengthening the size and increasing the circumference of the penis.

A plastic operation must be carried out by a qualified practitioner to achieve reliable and lasting results. In Turkey, the profession of plastic surgeon is very much in vogue and plays a very important role in the country’s economy.

There are more than 1,200 specialists in plastic surgery in Turkey who are certified and recognised throughout the world, as their doctors are graduates of leading international schools.

See also: Dental surgery in Turkey

It’s important to note that plastic surgery is not forbidden in Islam. It is permitted and even recommended in certain circumstances. This treatment provides a medical benefit to improve quality of life and should be considered halal and not haram.

  1. Hair transplants;
  2. Breast augmentation;
  3. Liposuction;
  4. Blepharoplasty;
  5. Rhinoplasty;
  6. Abdominoplasty;
  7. Lipofilling of the buttocks;
  8. Forehead lowering;
  9. Gastric balloon;
  10. Penoplasty.
Passeport pour voyager en Turquie
Passport to travel to Turkey

Hair transplant (Hair implant)

  • Definition: Hair transplantation is a surgical treatment which consists of implanting hair on the scalp. The grafts are taken from the back of the skull.
  • When is a hair transplant needed?
    Hair transplants are necessary to cover baldness or alopecia. It is also necessary to give hair volume. The minimum age for a hair transplant is 18.
Photo avant et après d'une greffe de cheveux en Turquie
Before and after photo of a hair transplant in Turkey

Hair transplantsurgery lasts between 2 and 6 hours. Hair transplants are usually carried out under local anaesthetic. The risks and potential side-effects are poor regrowth, inflammation, oedema, swelling or infection. There is no hospital stay, as the operation is performed on an outpatient basis.

The mandatory stay in Turkey is 7 days. Convalescence time is 10 days. The final result of a hair transplant is obtained within 9 to 12 months. Regrowth is visible after 3 months.

Report on hair transplants in Turkey

Breast augmentation (breast implant)

  • Definition: Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure that involves implanting breast prostheses to improve the size and shape of the breasts.
  • When is breast augmentation performed?
    Breast augmentation is performed for aesthetic reasons, or to correct slight breast ptosis. The minimum age is 18.
Photo avant et après d'une augmentation mammaire en Turquie
Before and after photo of a breast augmentation in Turkey

Breast augmentation surgery lasts between 1 and 2 hours. Breast augmentation is performed under general anaesthetic. The risks and potential side-effects are deflation, implant rupture, bleeding or infection. The hospital stay is 48 hours.

The mandatory stay in Turkey is 7 to 10 days. A check-up should be carried out within 3 to 6 months. Convalescence time is 15 days. The final result is visible immediately after the operation.

Report on breast augmentation

Liposuction (hips, stomach, thighs)

  • Definition: Liposuction consists of suctioning and extracting excess subcutaneous fat from the arms, stomach, hips and thighs.
  • When is liposuction performed?
    Liposuction is necessary when the usual slimming techniques have failed. It removes excess fat cells accumulated in areas such as the thighs, stomach, back, arms, love handles, calves, ankles and knees. It is recommended for people over 18.
Simulation photo avant et après d'une liposuccion
Photo simulation before and after liposuction

Liposuction lasts an average of 2 hours. Liposuction is performed under local or general anaesthetic, depending on the areas to be treated and the amount of fat. The risks and potential side-effects include bruising, aches and pains, infection and oedema.

Hospitalisation lasts 48 hours. The mandatory stay in Turkey is 7 to 10 days. Convalescence time is 10 to 15 days. A first result is visible after 2 weeks and the final result will be visible after 3 months.

Report on liposuction

Blepharoplasty (Eyelid surgery)

  • Definition: Blepharoplasty is an operation to improve the appearance of the upper and lower eyelids.
  • When is blepharoplasty performed?
    Blepharoplasty is necessary to correct sagging eyelids and reduce bags under the eyes. The minimum age for surgery is 18.
Simulation photo avant et après d'une blépharoplastie
Before and after blepharoplasty photo simulation

Blepharoplasty surgery lasts between 1 and 2 hours. Blepharoplasty is usually performed under local anaesthetic. The risks and potential side effects are excessive tearing, sensitivity to light, burning and dry skin.

There is no hospital stay for blepharoplasty, as it is not necessary. The compulsory stay in Turkey is 5 days. Convalescence time is 5 to 10 days. The final 100% result is visible immediately after the operation.

Report on blepharoplasty

Rhinoplasty (nose surgery):

  • Definition: Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that involves changing the shape and size of the nose for aesthetic or functional reasons.
  • When is rhinoplasty performed?
    Rhinoplasty is available from the age of 18. It is necessary to reduce a hump on the nose or to straighten the nasal bridge.
Photo avant et après d'une rhinoplastie
Before and after photos of a rhinoplasty

The rhinoplasty procedure lasts between 1 and 2 hours. Rhinoplasty is usually performed under general anaesthetic. The risks and potential side-effects are irregularity, deformation of the tip of the nose and unsightly scars.

Hospital stay rarely exceeds 24 hours. The compulsory medical stay in Turkey is 7 days. Convalescence time is 14 days. The final result of rhinoplasty is obtained within 6 months.

Interview with a surgeon about rhinoplasty


  • Definition: Abdominoplasty is an operation to reduce the amount of fat or skin around the abdomen.
  • When is abdominoplasty performed?
    Abdominoplasty is necessary to reduce excess skin on the abdomen after pregnancy or excessive weight loss. It is available from the age of 18.
Photo avant et après d'une abdominoplastie
Before and after photo of abdominoplasty

The abdominoplasty procedure lasts between 2 and 4 hours. Abdominoplasty is usually performed under general anaesthetic. The risks and potential side-effects are infection, bleeding, poor healing and pulmonary embolism.

Hospitalisation lasts 24 hours. The mandatory stay in Turkey is 7 days. Convalescence time is 15 to 20 days. The final result of an abdominoplasty is obtained after 6 weeks and lasts for years.

Report on abdominoplasty

Buttock lipofilling (Brazilian buttock lift BBL)

  • Definition: Buttock lipofilling, or Brazilian buttock lift, is an operation that involves injecting fat aspirated from other parts of the body into the buttocks.
  • When is buttock lipofilling performed?
    A Brazilian buttock lift is necessary to increase the volume of the buttocks and give them a more youthful appearance. The minimum age for this operation is 18.
Simulation photo avant et après d'un BBL
Before and after photo simulation of a BBL

The procedure for buttock lipofilling lasts from 2 to 4 hours. Buttock lipofilling is usually performed under general anaesthetic. The risks and potential side effects are a necessary transfusion, a fatty pulmonary embolism and the passage of injected fat into the bloodstream.

Hospitalisation lasts 48 hours. The compulsory medical stay in Turkey lasts 7 to 10 days. Convalescence time is 15 to 20 days. The final result of a Brazilian facelift is obtained after 6 months.

Interview with a BBL surgeon

Lowering of the forehead (forehead reduction)

  • Definition: The lowering of the forehead, or forehead reduction, is an operation that consists of reducing the top of the forehead to bring the hairline forward.
  • When is a forehead reduction necessary?
    Forehead reduction is necessary when the forehead is too large or disproportionate to the rest of the face. The minimum age for this operation is 18.
Photo avant et après d'un abaissement de la ligne frontale
Before and after photos of a forehead reduction

The operation to lower the forehead lasts between 1 and 2 hours. Forehead reduction is usually performed under general anaesthetic. Risks and potential side effects include numbness, loss of hair sensitivity, bleeding, unsightly scarring, bruising and oedema.

Hospitalisation lasts 24 hours. The mandatory stay in Turkey is 7 days. Convalescence time is 10 to 15 days. The final result of a forehead reduction is obtained in 6 months.

Video on forehead reduction

Gastric balloon

  • Definition: The gastric balloon is an endoscopic, non-surgical operation that involves placing a balloon in the stomach to give a feeling of satiety and encourage the patient to eat less.
  • When is a gastric balloon used?
    The gastric balloon is necessary for weight loss in overweight patients with a BMI of between 27 and 40. The minimum age is 18.
Photo avant et après d'un ballon gastrique
Before and after photo of a gastric balloon

The gastric balloon procedure takes 1 to 2 hours. The procedure is performed orally, without the need for a general anaesthetic. The risks and potential side-effects are abdominal pain, nausea and frequent vomiting in the first few days.

There is no hospitalisation period, as the treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis. The mandatory stay in Turkey is 3 days. Recovery time is 3 days. The final result is obtained after 6 months.

Gastric balloon video

Penoplasty (Penis enlargement)

  • Definition: Penoplasty, or phalloplasty, is a surgical procedure that involves injecting hyaluronic acid to lengthen the penis and enlarge its circumference, resulting in an overall enlargement of the penis.
  • When is penoplasty performed?
    Penoplasty is necessary to enlarge the sex, improve sexual performance or treat problems of premature ejaculation. The minimum age for this operation is 18.
Un homme en pleine confiance de virilité
A man with complete confidence

A penoplasty lasts between 1 and 2 hours. Penoplasty is performed under general anaesthetic. The risks and potential side effects are infections, haematomas and deformation of the penis. Hospitalisation lasts 24 hours.

The mandatory stay in Turkey is 7 to 10 days. Recovery time is 15 to 20 days. The final result is visible immediately after the operation and allows a gain of 1 to 4 cm.
Video on penoplasty

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FAQ – Frequently asked questions

Is plastic surgery in Turkey covered by social security?

Whether in Europe or in Turkey, treatment carried out for purely aesthetic purposes is not covered by Social Security. Furthermore, European health insurance does not cover treatment carried out in a country outside the European Union.

The cost of living in Turkey is much lower than in Europe. For Turks, whose average salary is €380, plastic surgery is still very expensive. On the other hand, it is much less expensive for foreigners, despite the high quality of the treatments available.

It all depends on the type of operation performed. Treatment for protruding ears, for example, is possible from childhood, whereas breast augmentation has to wait until late adolescence. Most operations are carried out from the age of 16 or 17.

Most foreign patients travel to Istanbul, sometimes considered the world capital of plastic surgery. There are also excellent clinics in Turkey’s major cities such as Ankara, Izmir, Antalya and Bursa.

Word of mouth is an effective way of finding a good plastic surgeon in Turkey. Several websites also provide useful information to give you a more precise idea of Turkish surgeons: years of experience, diplomas, area of expertise, etc.

Before your return to Turkey, we will carry out a 5-day check of your operation. All touch-up operations will be covered free of charge. Hotel accommodation will be provided for your comfort. In the event of subsequent complications, you will only have to pay for your plane ticket.

As Turkey is not part of the European Union, plastic surgery is not covered by European health insurance. It is, however, possible to take out travel medical insurance to obtain full or partial cover for your treatment.

About the author


My name is Emilie Gervais and I live in Istanbul, Turkey. I am a medical writer with extensive scientific knowledge and over 15 years' experience in cancer research and molecular biology. I have experience in congress organisation and project management. I have the ability to convey complex medical and scientific concepts to a variety of audiences through a variety of media, including this website as a medium for my writing.