Face lift in Turkey

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Written by Manuella

Everything you need to know about facelifts in Turkey! What is the average price in Istanbul? Our advice for a successful facelift in Turkey.

BestClinic.co.uk provides information about facelift surgery in Turkey and helps you book an operation with qualified surgeons. This content is for information purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional.

How much does a facelift cost in Turkey?

In Istanbul, the average cost of a facelift is €3,700. The procedure is carried out under general anaesthetic and lasts 3 to 4 hours. The length of stay in Turkey is 7 days, and the hospital stay 2 nights. The total cost depends on the surgeon’s experience and popularity. The final result is visible within 6 months.

Cervico-facial lift3700 €
Forehead lift2200 €
Neck lift2400 €
Temporal lift2200 €

What is a face lift?

As the years go by, the wonderful contours of your face will naturally lose their beauty. It’s an unpleasant process, but it’s inevitable!

Once you’re over fifty, your skin will start to sag, jowls will suddenly appear and holes will appear in your cheeks… In short, all your facial features will start to curve. Faced with such an overwhelming situation, there is a glimmer of hope: a facelift in Turkey


A face lift or cervico-facial lift is a surgical operation designed to repair the contours of the face that have been damaged by time. In practical terms, a facelift aims to correct sagging skin, jowl and cheek tissue, facial features and ageing of the face and neck.

A facelift will also considerably reduce wrinkles and other unsightly marks. It’s clear, then, that such an operation is motivated by the natural ageing of your body, particularly as you approach your fifties.

In this respect, it should be noted that facelifts can be performed on both men and women. There are several types of facelift. Sometimes, the operation may concern just one part of your body, or the whole body:

1- A forehead lift can be performed to remove the horizontal wrinkles that appear on the forehead or between the eyebrows (frown lines).

2- A temporal facelift can be performed to correct sagging tissue at the temples, as well as crow’s feet wrinkles (outer corners of the eyelids).

3- This procedure is also known as a mini-facelift and aims to rejuvenate the appearance of the face by treating signs of ageing such as sagging skin, wrinkles and folds.

Before and after photos

When should it be done?

It should be noted that there is no fixed age for a facelift. The reasons for a facelift will naturally differ from one patient to another. But generally speaking, the best age to consider having a facelift is 40.

According to statistics, the majority of patients requiring this type of surgery are aged between 45 and 65. People with HIV are eligible for this surgery.

It is around this age that the signs of ageing begin to appear: weakening of the tissues and oval of the face, appearance of wrinkles, nano-genian furrows, jowls and holes on the cheeks, fatty neck, etc. The expected result is to rejuvenate the skin by at least 10 years.

Photo avant et après un lifting visage en Turquie
Photo before and after a facelift in Turkey

How is the face lift operation carried out?

Cosmetic surgery of this kind requires a great deal of precision and tact. Most face lifts are performed under local or general anaesthetic. The cosmetic surgeon may therefore request the presence of an anaesthetist. In reality, each cosmetic surgeon has his or her own working method.

But beyond the different methods applied by each specialist, note that the operation is performed through an incision. In order to conceal the scars as much as possible, the incision starts at the temple and runs in front of the ear.

Next, another incision will be made in front of the earlobe and behind it, finishing at the nape of the neck. The surgeon will then lift the skin and work under the muscles to tighten the tissues.

Depending on the desired objective, the areas to be tightened may be both cutaneous and muscular.

Finally, remember that the operation takes an average of 2 to 3 hours. After the facelift, you will need to stay in hospital for between 24 and 48 hours. For a period of about 3 weeks, you should also avoid any activity requiring considerable physical effort.

Photo avant et après un lifting visage en Turquie
Photo before and after a face lift in Turkey

You should also rest for a week, without working. Your surgeon will remove the threads between the 7th and 15th day after the operation.

Risks, complications and side-effects

There may be some rare risks during a facelift:

  • Deep vein thrombosis ;
  • Cardiac and pulmonary complications;
  • Facial nerve damage;
  • Numbness and skin sensation;
  • Skin swelling ;
  • Bluish ecchymoses.

That’s why you should trust us to help you choose the right surgeon in Istanbul, and opt for a reputable and experienced practitioner.

It should be noted that, in Islam, a face lift is not considered haram. It is halal and acceptable if used to remove a blemish.

You will receive extra support from the moment you arrive at the airport to your accommodation if you are a person with reduced mobility (PRM). Our medical establishment is accessible to people with disabilities.

Where are the best countries to have a cheap facelift?

When it comes to plastic surgery, medical tourism is a serious option to consider because of the exorbitant prices offered in Europe. What’s more, some foreign countries have renowned specialists who are highly skilled in facelift surgery.

The best foreign countries in this field today are Turkey and Tunisia. Find out why these two countries are currently the best destinations..

Photo avant et après un lifting visage à Istanbul
Photo before and after a face lift in Istanbul

A facelift can also be performed on HIV-infected patients. Cervico-facial lifting for HIV-positive patients is carried out by experienced doctors in a specially dedicated, sterile operating theatre. However, the cost of the operation remains higher because the staff are over-equipped during the operation. And after the operation, all the tools are thrown away.

Read also: Price of Fox Eyes in Turkey

Why have a face lift in Turkey?

There are several reasons why we recommend that you choose Turkey for a facelift abroad. Firstly, in the capital, Istanbul, you will find experienced, skilful and competent plastic surgeons. These specialists enjoy international recognition.

Secondly, it is much cheaper to travel to Istanbul than to have a facelift in Europe. By way of illustration, a flight from Paris to Istanbul will cost you between €160 in low season and €280 in high season. Ahotel stay willcost you an average of €70 a night.

Note that several hotels offer rates of between €30 and €100 per night. It all depends on the level of comfort you want. And to get from your hotel to the doctor’s surgery, remember that the average cost of a 1 km taxi journey in Istanbul is around €0.45.

How much does a facelift cost in Turkey?

The cost of a facelift in Turkey is not too high compared with other countries, and the average cost of a facelift in Turkey is between €2,500 and just over €3,200. However, this total cost takes into account the experience and popularity of the plastic surgeon, as well as the complexity of the operation.

Here is a report on the face lift

Face lift video


In short, a facelift is a surgical operation that allows you to regain your beauty and a more youthful appearance by giving your face a new lease of life. You can expect to look about 10 years younger.

The truth is, however, that a badly performed facelift operation can have irreversible consequences: infection, nerve damage, facial paralysis and so on. It is therefore essential to seek out a surgeon who is competent and legally authorised to carry out such an operation (registered with the Medical Council).

Finally, if you choose to go abroad, it is strongly recommended that you have your facelift done in specialist clinics with a worldwide reputation.

If you’re having trouble making a choice, we can help you make a success of your operation, and at a reduced rate.

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FAQ – Frequently asked questions

How long does a facelift last in Turkey?

Facelifts in Turkey have an incredibly high success rate, often around 95%. This is due to the highly qualified and experienced cosmetic surgeons operating in Turkey’s private clinics. Patients can therefore rely on their expertise.

The facelift is not painful. After the operation, you may feel some discomfort, as your skin will be sensitive. The skin will also be slightly taut, causing minimal difficulty when chewing. These sensations will disappear quickly.

Face lifts in Turkey have an incredibly high success rate, often around 95%. This is due to the highly qualified and experienced cosmetic surgeons operating in Turkey’s private clinics. As a result, patients can rely on their expertise.

There is no minimum age for a facelift, other than being over 18. However, many adults consider this cosmetic surgery procedure between the ages of 40 and 60. It is advisable to consider a facelift as early as possible, for long-lasting results.

A rhytidectomy takes between 2 and 5 hours to perform. This is carried out under general anaesthetic, sometimes locally if the operation is not extensive. It involves making small incisions around the ear and in the scalp to remove excess skin.

The length of stay in Turkey for facial rejuvenation surgery varies from clinic to clinic. Generally, it lasts from seven to ten days, with a hospital stay of one or two nights. Afterwards, expect a recovery period of around two weeks.

It is possible to undergo several face lifts, but this is generally not recommended because of the potential risks of complications and unfavourable scarring. Consult a qualified professional to make the right decision.

About the author


My name is Manuella Fiorentini. I am an experienced marketing professional in the medical device and pharmaceutical industries. With over 7 years' experience, I have worked in creative and strategic roles to develop marketing campaigns, product launches and international conferences.