Medical tourism in Turkey

medical tourism Turkey 1
Written by Émilie

Medical tourism in Turkey is booming: dental surgery, cosmetic surgery, hair restoration, bariatric surgery, etc. People from all over Europe are coming to take advantage of the low rates and the skills of renowned surgeons. There is talk of a 98% success rate… Zoom in on this trend.

Turkey is one of the countries that have made the most remarkable progress in recent years, particularly in the field of medicine. Today, countless people from all over the world flock to this Anatolian nation for advanced medical treatments and practices.

Thanks to the quality of local medicine, Turkey is now undoubtedly one of Europe’s leaders in medical and health tourism.

Vue sur le pont Galata d'Istanbul en Turquie
View of the Galata Bridge in Istanbul, Turkey

But what are the branches of medicine in which Turkey stands out for medical tourism? Are the costs affordable? Find out more about the intricacies of medical tourism in Turkey.

Costs, the main advantage of medical tourism in Turkey

There are several possible explanations for the success of medical tourism in Turkey in recent years. One of the main reasons is the investment made by the State, which has taken advantage of its economic growth to develop its medical sector.

But the main reason why so many tourists from all over the world flock to Turkey for medical treatment is the low prices, which do not prevent the services from being of the highest and most impeccable quality.

Hall de l'aéroport d'Istanbul
Istanbul airport concourse

Indeed, if we take the example of hair transplants, one of the main branches of medical tourism in Turkey, the price of an operation can be up to 70% cheaper than in other countries!

An abysmal difference, which goes a long way towards explaining the attraction of Turkey in the eyes of patients.

Other advantages of medical tourism in Turkey

In addition to the very affordable prices of most of the procedures performed, there are other attributes that make health tourism so attractive to so many people. First of all, the simplification of administrative procedures has a lot to do with it.

A number of countries make administrative procedures more complex in order to allow medical tourists to visit their country, which is a major drawback, but this is not the case for the Turks.

Hall d'une clinique esthétique à Istanbul
Hall of an aesthetic clinic in Istanbul

In addition, Turkey makes great efforts to provide its medical services. Ultra-modern, state-of-the-art equipment is available, not to mention the quality andexpertise of the surgeons, who are among the best in the world in their respective fields.

Finally, Turkey offers luxurious, comfortable accommodation and good post-operative care, in a country that is highly conducive to tourism, with a relatively welcoming population.

These are just some of the features that have made Turkey such a strong destination for medical tourism, and have made it a real hub for the region.

Before and after photos

How many medical tourists come to Turkey?

More than 2 million medical tourists visit Turkey every year for operations. The types of operation sought vary according to the individual, but the main sectors remain dental surgery, cosmetic and hair surgery, laser eye surgery and dermatological treatments.

Of course, many other types of operation are carried out in the country, but the previous ones are the most popular.

Vol long courrier d'un avion Turkish Airline
Long-haul flight from Turkish Airline

More than 300 ultramodern hospitals, equipped with all the necessary facilities and equipment, cater for such a large population every year. Such tourism enables the country to accumulate several billion dollars a year in revenue, a considerable sum that places it on the podium in this field, notably alongside the USA.

Medical tourism in Turkey

It is worth highlighting and discussing medical tourism in Turkey in greater detail, and more specifically the types of operations carried out. Broadly speaking, there are three different categories of medical tourism in Turkey. These are dental tourism, aesthetic tourism and hair tourism, and also tourism for reproductive medicine and more specifically in vitro fertilisation.

Dental surgery in Istanbul

Dental problems affect just about everyone. Even with impeccable oral hygiene, no-one is immune to dental problems, which can eventually get worse.

While minor problems can be treated for a small fee, the situation can quickly change when it comes to serious surgery. In addition to the enormous costs involved, this type of procedure requires a great deal of expertise.

Dentiste et une patiente
A dentist and a patient

By opting for dental treatment in Turkey, you are likely tosave up to 70 or even 80% of the cost of the operation in Europe! And you can be sure of the highest possible quality of service, with expert surgeons and state-of-the-art equipment.

Even for smaller operations, the savings are considerable. Dental tourism in Turkey can be cost-effective for as few as two dental crowns.

It is estimated that the cost will be 20 to 30% lower, and that includes travel costs! The larger the operation, the greater the savings.

Choix de la teinte des facettes dentaires
Choosing the shade of dental veneers

And that’s not all, because Turkey offers a guarantee on the implants and prostheses that are fitted, and an after-sales service that is always available in the event of a problem following an operation.

Finally, as a general rule, reimbursement times for dental treatment are very short. Another advantage that will convince you to carry out your medical treatment in this country.

Hair surgery in Istanbul

Hair surgery is also one of the most frequent reasons for medical tourism in Turkey. The majority of people seeking hair surgery in Turkey are men.

The reason for this is that men naturally tend to suffer from baldness or incipient baldness. So they come to Turkey to have hair implants.

First and foremost, the main advantage of hair surgery is its affordability. On average in Europe, the cost of 1,000 grafts is estimated at 2,200 euros. In Turkey, you can have 3,000 grafts implanted for the same price. Interesting, isn’t it?

Chirurgien capillaire
Hair surgeon

Hair implants are the most widely practised type of surgery in Turkey. The country also stands out for its technological and medical advances in the field, more so than in any other branch of medicine.

Today, hair restoration surgery in Turkey is able to achieve spectacular results, all without causing the patient any pain, something that many hospitals in other countries cannot guarantee.

Cosmetic surgery in Istanbul

Long criticised for being too artificial or even immoral, more and more people are turning to cosmetic surgery. This is the case for people with congenital deformities or who have suffered accidents, but also for other patients who simply have a complex about the way their body looks.

In the field of cosmetic surgery, Turkey is once again rising to the challenge, particularly in terms of the quality and quantity of its medical staff. The country has a total of more than 1,200 qualified surgeons, renowned the world over for their skills in cosmetic surgery procedures;

tracé d'une chirurgie faciale
Traces of facial surgery

Turkey has also played a major role in the democratisation of cosmetic surgery. It used to be reserved for the very rich, but is now becoming increasingly accessible.

Today, just about anyone can undergo cosmetic surgery in Istanbul or any other Turkish city: Antalya, Izmir, Bodrum, Ankara.

The country now offers patients the same treatments as those available in Europe, at half the cost. A tempting offer, which once again justifies Turkey’s success in the medical tourism sector.

The main cosmetic surgery procedures carried out in Turkey are rhinoplasty, liposuction (usually abdominal), breast surgery and buttock surgery.


The purpose of rhinoplasty is to correct and adjust the size of the nose. It can be performed for aesthetic or functional reasons, or both at the same time. The estimated cost of rhinoplasty in Turkey varies between €1,700 and €2,500.

Patiente avec un pansement sur le nez
Patient with a bandage on her nose

Abdominal liposuction

This is a surgical procedure designed to remove the fatty deposits that some people have on their stomachs. For most obese people, the tummy is a source of discomfort, and they are unable to stick to the diet needed to get rid of it.

It should be noted that abdominal liposuction can be successful if the patient’s protruding tummy is due to excessive fat mass, but if the problem lies elsewhere, liposuction will solve nothing.

Tracés pour une abdominoplastie
Tracings for abdominoplasty

In Turkish clinics, this type of surgery is performed for between €2,650 and €3,100, depending on the case and circumstances. Either way, it’s still much cheaper than what you’ll find in other countries, particularly in Europe.

Breast surgery

Contrary to popular belief, breast surgery is not just about increasing the size of a woman’s breasts. While it is true that this is the most common reason for breast enlargement, some women undergo surgery for the opposite reason.

In fact, breasts that are too large can be a source of handicap in a woman’s life, and can cause pain on a daily basis. This is known as breast reduction.

Breast surgery can therefore be performed for both aesthetic and functional reasons. You can expect to pay between €2,200 and €2,800 for such an operation with doctors in Turkey.

Tracé pour une réduction mammaire
Outline for a breast reduction

Buttock reconstruction

This surgical operation involves increasing the size of the buttocks and improving their shape. It is obviously performed on women, for whom the shape of the buttocks is an important attribute according to today’s prevailing beauty standards.

This type of surgical treatment is also known as the BBL Brazilian buttock lift, as the idea is thought to have emerged in Brazil in the 1960s.

It’s important to know that the Brazilian facelift does not, as some people think, involve applying silicone to the buttocks. It involvesextracting your own fatfrom a part of your body and reinjecting it into your buttocks.

Fesses galbée après un BBL
Shaped buttocks after BBL

This procedure is slightly more expensive than the others, with an estimated average price of between €2,500 and €3,200, depending on the case. However, it is naturally much cheaper than anything else you can find in Europe and elsewhere, and with the best resources available.

Whether you are able-bodied or in a wheelchair, our establishment is accessible to people with reduced mobility.

Worldwide approval of the quality of the Turkish medical service

Many people are sceptical about the quality of the medical service provided by Turkish hospitals. The main reason for this mistrust lies in the strangely affordable prices, which, as we have already mentioned, are sometimes up to 80% cheaper than elsewhere. Yet there is no shortage of evidence that Turkish medicine is of high quality.

JCI Accréditation
JCI Accreditation

Many of the most credible and renowned international organisations recognise the quality of medicine in Turkey. These include JCI (Joint Commissions International), JCAHO (Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations) and ISO.

Key facts

In the space of barely a decade, medical tourism in Turkey has become one of the world leaders in its field. More than 250,000 surgical operations are carried out in the country every year.

It should be noted that in the Islamic religion, medical tourism is not haram. It is halal and accepted because it aims to remove a defect affecting the body.

It is thanks to the quality of its hospitals and surgeons, but also to the prices it has managed to offer, that Turkey has enjoyed such dazzling success. Men and women with HIV are all accepted. To see operations costing up to 70% less than in Europe, including travel costs, is a remarkable achievement.

So if you’re looking for low-cost surgery, Turkey is probably one of your best options. Especially if it’s in one of the fields in which Turkish medicine excels.

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with no obligation on your part.

100% free consultation. We analyse your situation, your needs and your expectations. And we estimate the budget required for : Flight + Hotel + Taxi + Treatment.

At all times, you retain complete control over the process. Total peace of mind.

FAQ – Frequently asked questions

Do I need a VISA to travel to Turkey?

If you are a European national, you do not need a visa to go to Turkey. Provided that the total number of days to be spent in Turkey does not exceed 90 days. However, you must present a valid passport or identity card with a validity date at least 150 days longer than the date of entry into Turkey.

It is not possible to obtain reimbursement for operations carried out abroad. Even in Europe, most cosmetic operations are not reimbursed by the European health insurance fund. It is therefore advisable to take out travel insurance.

Cosmetic surgery in Turkey is generally carried out in the following 4 Turkish cities: Istanbul, Izmir, Ankara and Antalya. What tips the scales in favour of this country is the tourist nature of its cities and the prices charged there, which are 70% cheaper than in Europe.

Following a medical trip, you should resume sporting activity gradually. In addition, each surgery is different and requires a specific rest period. Please respect the convalescence period set by your surgeon.

Medical tourism allows you to make considerable savings and discover new destinations at the same time: Tunisia, Thailand, Spain, Brazil, etc. Turkey offers the best value for money, in terms of speed of treatment and quality of care.

Before you return home, we will carry out a check-up on Day 5 of your operation. All touch-up operations will be covered free of charge. The hotel will be provided for your comfort. In the event of subsequent complications, you will only have to pay for your plane ticket.

About the author


My name is Emilie Gervais and I live in Istanbul, Turkey. I am a medical writer with extensive scientific knowledge and over 15 years' experience in cancer research and molecular biology. I have experience in congress organisation and project management. I have the ability to convey complex medical and scientific concepts to a variety of audiences through a variety of media, including this website as a medium for my writing.