Bariatric Surgery in Turkey

bariatric surgery Turkey 1
Written by Maria

Bariatric surgery in Turkey is surgery that affects the stomach and the way food is digested. It is designed to make the stomach much smaller, so that the person feels full after eating a small amount of food. These procedures are known as gastric sleeve, gastric bypass and gastric balloon. provides information about bariatric surgery in Turkey and helps you book an operation with qualified Turkish surgeons. This content is for information purposes only and is not intended to replace professional medical advice.

Price of bariatric surgery in Turkey

The cost of bariatric surgery in Turkey is very affordable. You should expect to pay €2,300 for a sleeve gastrectomy, €3,500 for a gastric bypass, €2,100 for a gastric balloon and €1,200 for gastric botox. The length of stay in Istanbul is 6 days. The price includes anaesthesia, the operation and medication.

Sleeve gastrectomy2300 €
Gastric bypass3500 €
Gastric balloon2100 €
Gastric Botox1200 €

What is bariatric surgery?

Bariatric surgery in Turkey is very popular. Weight loss surgery, or obesity surgery, is hormonal surgery involving a variety of procedures performed on overweight patients. The procedure is suitable for both men and women.

It is considered a treatment plan for patients with a BMI of 35 kg m2 or more, who have undertaken but failed an adequate exercise and diet programme, and who have obesity-related co-morbidities such as hypertension, glucose intolerance, diabetes, hyperlipidaemia, etc.

The following are some of the different procedures used to reduce the size of the stomach.

The different bariatric surgeries in Turkey

Health tourism is booming in Turkey. Hospitals and clinics are registering large numbers of patients. The most common bariatric surgeries in Turkey are gastric banding (known as gastroplasty), gastric sleeve (known as gastrectomy) and gastric balloon.

Gastric bypass

Gastric bypass surgery in Turkey helps you lose weight by changing the way your stomach and small intestine process the food you eat.

The gastric bypass technique involves dividing the stomach into a small upper pouch and a much larger ‘residual’ lower pouch, then reorganising the small intestine to connect it to the two. Food bypasses most of the stomach and fewer calories are absorbed.

Schéma avant et après d'un bypass gastrique
Before and after diagram of a gastric bypass operation

In Istanbul, this operation is performed laparoscopically and is not associated with deep skin incisions or pain. The operation is performed under general anaesthetic and lasts an average of 1 hour.

Gastric sleeve

Gastric sleeve surgery in Turkey is safe and one of the most popular bariatric surgeries, as it reduces the risk of obesity-related health problems such as heart disease, infertility, cancer, high cholesterol and high blood pressure, while helping you lose weight.

Most of the stomach is removed, including the part that produces a hormone that creates hunger. The prerequisite for this surgery is a body mass index (BMI) of 35 or more. This surgery is also known as gastrectomy.

Schéma avant et après d'une sleeve gastrique
Before and after diagram of a gastric sleeve

In Turkey, the sleeve is performed laparoscopically and is not associated with deep skin incisions or pain. The operation is performed under general anaesthetic and lasts an average of 1 hour.

Turkey is the best option for them because the prices are affordable and the surgeons competent.

Gastric balloon

The gastric balloon in Turkey is one of the most popular non-surgical weight loss operations. Patients with a body mass index (BMI) between 30 and 40 can benefit.

The gastric balloon procedure in Turkey consists of a flexible, expandable balloon, a delivery tube and a filling system. The intragastric balloon is too large to pass through the intestine and results in a relatively long-term feeling of satiety with smaller food portions.

In general, gastric ballooning significantly reduces portion sizes and helps you achieve your long-term weight loss goals.

Schéma de la pose d'un ballon gastrique
Diagram of gastric balloon placement

The balloon is inserted endoscopically into the stomach. The procedure takes approximately 20 to 25 minutes. First, a diagnostic endoscopy is performed to ensure that you do not have any medical problems that could prevent the balloon from being placed (such as an ulcer).

The Allurion Elipse gastric balloon is swallowed, lodged in the stomach and inflated with a saline solution. It evacuates naturally after 6 or 12 months, depending on the treatment chosen.

Many people from abroad choose Turkey for a gastric balloon because the doctors in Istanbul are professional and experienced in their field.

Gastric Botox

The gastric Botox procedure involves injecting Botox into specific areas of the stomach to reduce the workload of the stomach muscles. The digestion process is thus slowed down by the stomach.

Injection de botox gastrique à une patiente
Injecting Botox into a patient’s stomach

Botox injections into the stomach are used to block the nerves in specific areas of the stomach. This is a one-off procedure. The aim is to suppress appetite and slow stomach motility so that the patient can eat a meatball or a bowl of yoghurt and remain full for a long time. In the scientific literature, no significant damage to the stomach has been observed.

When should I consider bariatric surgery?

Bariatric surgery is generally proposed for very obese patients (with a body mass index of over 40) or patients with a body mass index of over 35 who have other serious health problems such as diabetes or heart disease.

Une femme mesurant son tour de taille
A woman measuring her waistline

You could consider bariatric surgery, but only after you have tried other solutions. The first step is usually to try to change what you eat and drink, as well as your daily activities and exercise. Certain medications can help people lose weight. Surgery is usually only considered after these other options have been tried.

The health benefits of weight loss include improving type 2 diabetes, lowering blood pressure and improving heart health.

Do you have HIV? A special clinic has been set aside for you to undergo bariatric surgery in complete safety for you and the staff.

What type of bariatric surgery is best for me?

Many factors will determine which type of surgery is best for you, including the amount of weight you need to lose and any medical conditions you may have.

Your doctor will carry out a detailed assessment and discuss the best option with you, including the risks.

Simulation avant et après d'une chirurgie bariatrique
An overweight patient

Risks, complications and side effects

There may be some rare risks during bariatric surgery:

  • Acid reflux ;
  • Chronic nausea and vomiting;
  • Dilatation of the oesophagus;
  • Inability to eat certain foods;
  • Stomach obstruction.

That’s why you should trust us to help you choose the right surgeon in Istanbul, and opt for a reputable and experienced practitioner.

What’s more, this operation is permitted in Islam. It is halal surgery, not haram, because it offers health benefits and improves a person’s quality of life.

To make your stay more pleasant, we offer special assistance for people with disabilities (PRM) from the moment they arrive at the airport to their hotel and the clinic.

Post-operation follow-up after bariatric surgery in Istanbul

After bariatric surgery in Istanbul, you will need to make considerable changes to your lifestyle in order to lose weight and keep it off. For example, you will need to follow a dietary regime, and you will probably take vitamins or other supplements for life. Your weight loss programme will also involve increased physical activity.

Simulation d'une perte de poids par chirurgie bariatrique
Simulating weight loss through bariatric surgery

After the operation, you will start with liquid foods. Over the next few weeks, you’ll move on to pureed foods, then solid foods. Your meals will be much smaller and you may have to stop drinking during meals because of your small stomach.

In some cases, patients lose weight at first, but then their bodies get used to the changes brought on by the operation and they may regain some of the weight lost.

If you’re having trouble deciding, we can help you make a success of your operation, and at a reduced cost.

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At all times, you retain complete control over the process. Total peace of mind.

FAQ – Frequently asked questions

What is the difference between a gastric sleeve and a gastric bypass?

During a sleeve operation, the surgeon will permanently remove 80% of the volume of the stomach. In a bypass, on the other hand, the surgeon will reduce the volume of the stomach and cut out part of the small intestine. This means that bypass surgery is reversible, whereas sleeve surgery is irreversible.

Your chances of becoming pregnant after bariatric surgery in Turkey are even higher, as weight loss increases fertility rates. However, you should wait at least a year after the operation before considering pregnancy to avoid deficiencies.

Yes, a patient who has had gastric banding can undergo bypass or sleeve surgery. That said, the operation becomes more difficult. In addition, the risk of complications after the operation is greater than for a patient who has not had gastric banding.

You may resume sporting activities, but you must wait at least 3 weeks after the operation. You must also obtain your surgeon’s agreement. In addition, the resumption of exercise must be gradual. You need to gradually increase the duration and intensity of your efforts.

Turkey is the destination of choice if you want weight loss surgery. It is home to the world’s best surgeons and the best prices for operations. What’s more, Turkey is home to high-tech hospitals.

If you have any complications after bariatric surgery in Turkey, you should contact your surgeon immediately. Treatment, touch-up operations and accommodation are free of charge. You are also entitled to post-operative follow-up. You will be responsible for your own air fare.

About the author


My name is Maria. I have over 10 years' experience as a marketing manager in the medical industry. I have successfully launched several products on the market, including medical devices, and I have a great passion for sales and marketing.