Abdominoplasty in Spain

tummy tuck spain 2
Written by Maria

Everything you need to know about abdominoplasty in Spain! What is the average price in Madrid or Barcelona? Our advice for a successful abdominoplasty in Spain.

BestClinic.co.uk provides information onabdominoplasty in Spain and helps you book an operation with qualified surgeons. This content is for information purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional.

Prices of abdominoplasty in Spain

The average cost of an abdominoplasty in Spain is €3,900. Depending on your needs, the price can vary from €3,500 to €5,200. It is important to note that the surgeon’s expertise, training and skills will vary the overall cost of your abdominoplasty.

Isolated abdominoplasty3900 €
Mini-Abdominoplasty4100 €
Complete abdominoplasty4300 €
Lipo abdominoplasty5200 €

64% of women want a change to their abdomen. But what exactly does it involve? Under what conditions should this surgical procedure be carried out? Why choose Spain? Find the answers to your questions in the article.


Many Europeans have complexes about their bodies. According to figures, 39% would like to have a different tummy. Men and women are not equal when it comes to this source of complex.

People seek a tummy tuck :

  • Following pregnancy;
  • After major weight loss;
  • Following excess fat;
  • To remove scars, stretch marks, etc.

What does abdominoplasty involve?

Abdominoplasty is considered to be cosmetic and reconstructive surgery. It is used to enhance the appearance of the abdomen. It is also known as dermolipectomy or abdominoplasty.

The operation reshapes the abdomen. The surgeon removes excess fat and skin from this part of the body. It also helps to strengthen the muscles of the abdomen.

It is primarily performed for aesthetic reasons. However, it can also be functional.

The objectives of abdominoplasty are :

  • To reduce excess fat in this area. This concerns men and women over forty.
  • To reduce excess skin. This is welcome after pregnancy. This is also the case for people who have just been on a slimming diet.
  • Tightening muscles. Muscles pull apart during pregnancy.

The different techniques used for this operation

Before the operation, the plastic surgeon carries out a clinical diagnosis. This stage enables the appropriate technique to be identified. The doctor makes the decision on the basis of several parameters:

  • The weight of the excess fat,
  • The condition of your skin,
  • The state of your muscles, etc.

Once the diagnosis has been made, the doctor can choose between three techniques.

Isolated abdominal liposuction

This is intended for people with good abdominal muscle tone. This is the case for patients who are still young. The skin is not yet affected by changes or stretch marks. Liposuction is therefore sufficient to restore a perfect stomach.


If the surgeon identifies excess skin on the lower abdomen, he or she may decide to perform a mini-abdominoplasty. This operation involves liposuction of the abdomen. The skin is then removed locally.

Complete abdominoplasty

This is necessary when there are major lesions on the abdomen, such as loss of tone, advanced distension of the skin, alteration of the abdomen, etc. The doctor performs a complete operation.

The surgery takes place in several stages:

  • Liposuction of the stomach area to remove the fatty mass,
  • Removal of excess tissue,
  • Strengthening of the abdominal muscles,
  • Removal of skin tissue,
  • Repositioning of the navel, etc.

What is the profile of the ideal candidate for this operation?

This type of operation is reserved for people who meet the following conditions:

  • Over 18 years of age,
  • Have a stable weight,
  • In good health.

Women can also undergo this type of surgery after a pregnancy, whether you gave birth by caesarean section or vaginal delivery. In this case, abdominal surgery is a better alternative to liposuction.

How does the operation work?

Before undergoing the operation, the patient must attend a post-operative consultation. This is an opportunity for patients to discuss their motivations and expectations. The tummy can become unsightly as a result of hormonal imbalances, weight change or the menopause.

The plastic surgeon carries out a medical examination. He will study a number of parameters, such as the volume of fat in the area, morphological data, the tone of the abdominal muscle belt, etc.

Before the operation, you must follow the doctor’s instructions:

  • Stop smoking one month before the operation: smoking can slow down the healing process;
  • Stop taking oral contraceptives if you suffer from coagulation problems;
  • It is forbidden to take aspirin for 10 days before the operation;
  • A young person should not eat or drink more than 6 hours before the operation;
  • Disinfection of the skin.

The operation is often performed under general anaesthetic. In rare cases, the doctor may offer an epidural anaesthetic. You will be hospitalised for at least 24 hours.

You must also wear a post-operative dressing for two days. This is then replaced by a support girdle for one to two months. The sutures disappear after two weeks.

Precautions to take after the operation

Surgery produces two types of scar:

  • The first is vertical and runs down to your pubis. It results from the removal of excess skin,
  • The second is circular and lies around the navel.

The scars mature within 12 months of the operation. They disappear permanently after two years. During this time, you should avoid exposure to the sun in this area.

You may feel pain during physical effort. However, painkillers can reduce this pain. Plan to take 7 to 30 days off work before the operation. That way, you’ll be well enough to go back to work.

How much does abdominoplasty cost in Spain?

In Spain, the average cost of an abdominoplasty is between €3,500 and €5,200. Your final bill will depend on the quality of care, the length of the operation, the type of operation and the fees of the clinic and anaesthetist.

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Why choose Spain for abdominoplasty?

The price is the first argument put forward by patients who go to Spain. In the case of cosmetic surgery, the country stands out above all for the quality of its services. With the development of medical tourism, travel agencies are adjusting their offer to this type of clientele.

So if you want to have an operation in this destination, it’s best to go directly through a specialist agency. They will take care of your transfer from the airport to the hotel. The agency also offers post-operative support.

If you’re having trouble making a choice, we can help you make a success of your operation, and at a reduced rate.

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About the author


My name is Maria. I have over 10 years' experience as a marketing manager in the medical industry. I have successfully launched several products on the market, including medical devices, and I have a great passion for sales and marketing.