Breast implants in Tunisia

breast implant tunisia 1
Written by Émilie

Everything you need to know about breast implants in Tunisia! What is the average price in Tunis? Our advice for a successful breast implant in Tunisia. provides information on breast implants in Tunisia and helps you book an operation with qualified surgeons. This content is for information purposes only and is not intended to replace professional medical advice.

Price of a breast implant in Tunisia

The average cost of a breast implant in Tunisia is €2,000. Depending on your needs, the price can vary from €1800 to €2200. Removing your breast implants can cost more than €1,300, not including other costs associated with the operation. The length of stay is 7 days, and the hospital stay is 1 night. The price includes anaesthesia, the operation and medication. The final result is visible within 3 months.

ProcedureCost Tunisia
Breast implant2000 €

What is a breast implant?

Are you considering breast augmentation surgery in Tunisia? Most patients immediately start thinking about size without considering the other factors necessary to achieve the desired results within your budget. The average cost of breast implants can vary depending on the type of implant, preference for incision location and placement, among other factors.

Breast implants in Tunisia are available in silicone gel or saline. While the implant shell remains the same, the two fillers offer different options in terms of size and feel, which can have a significant impact on the price of breast implants.

Cost of breast implants

A quick internet search will easily reveal the average cost of breast implants, which can be misleading; these statistics rarely include the costs associated with surgery such as anaesthesia, facilities and surgeons’ fees.

Before you mentally set out to buy your new bikini or create your new Pinterest board, consider the following factors that can affect the price of breast implants in Tunisia:

Price variations on breast implants in Tunisia

  • Geographical location – prices vary depending on where you are in the world. We’ll come back to this point in more detail a little later..
  • Surgeon’s fees – It’s not just where your surgeon is, but who he or she is that determines his or her fees.
  • Operating theatre fees – Practices, like surgeons, have variable fees that are determined in part by location and reputation.
  • Supplies – The type of implant you choose, cannulas, laser fibres and other materials needed to carry out the procedure.
  • Anaesthesia, medication..
  • Follow-up appointments

Additional costs of breast implants

How long can you stay away from home? Your Tunisian surgeon can give you a general idea of the standard recovery time for breast augmentation patients in Tunis, but each individual is different. It is recommended that you do not travel for at least a month after the operation.

Have a plan in place in case of a late complication and arrange for follow-up care after you return home. Ideally, you can arrange to travel with your surgeon for your follow-up care. Make an appointment with a local surgeon to follow up on your breast implants before surgery.

Travelling for your breast augmentation has a number of advantages and disadvantages. With proper research and preparation, the patient can maximise the benefits and minimise the risks.

Every surgeon is different and it’s important to choose the one that’s right for you. If you’re wondering “how much does a breast augmentation cost?”, remember that the price depends on the surgeon, the equipment available in the practice you choose, the geographical location and the costs associated with breast implant surgery.

Many surgeons offer breast implant financing, while others start by offering affordable breast augmentation options. When considering a cosmetic procedure, you should stay within a price range you are comfortable with. Talk to your surgery coordinator about pricing and financing options before your initial consultation.

Cost of breast implant revision

It can be difficult to calculate the cost of breast implant removal and replacement without prior consultation. Every patient and every situation is different.

Some patients may opt for breast implant removal and replacement, while others go straight to breast implant removal and avoid replacement.

On average, the lifespan of a breast implant is 10 to 25 years, unless a rupture occurs or when volume changes over time. Surgeons recommend that women with silicone implants have an MRI every two years to check for leaks.

Cost of removing a breast implant

Deciding to remove your breast implants at a given time represents an additional expense. If your implants are relatively new, usually five years or less, and there is no deflation, calcification or contracture, breast implants can be easily removed.

Before deciding which breast implant removal procedure is best for you, your doctor will ask you to have a breast ultrasound or MRI to determine the condition of your implants. Removing your breast implants can cost in excess of €1,300, not including other costs associated with the operation.

The cost of recovering from a breast augmentation

Recovery costs can vary from patient to patient. Remember that your recovery is highly dependent on your ability to follow your surgeon’s instructions. It is essential that you choose a surgeon with the particular approach and levels of experience required so that you can enjoy a quality procedure and a pleasant recovery after breast augmentation.

Your breast augmentation recovery budget may include:

  • Time off work and other obligations – Most people take a week off work to recover. If you don’t have paid time off, you need to factor in these costs as well. Fortunately, most patients return to work within three to five days. If you have children, you can also include childcare costs.
  • Painkiller costs – After surgery, most patients will experience mild to severe pain. Some patients take no painkillers at all, while others choose different types of painkillers according to their surgeon’s prescription. Narcotic drugs are not recommended as they can be addictive. Expect to spend €25-35 on non-opioid painkillers that are not anticoagulants.
  • The type of procedure you choose – Each breast augmentation procedure and implant is different and so are the recovery costs. For example, traditional breast augmentation involves more downtime, which can be more expensive.
  • Support bra – The cost of surgical or compression bras should not be overlooked as you need to wear them for around two weeks after the operation to help minimise swelling. You should expect to spend €25-35.
  • Hire a carer – The best carers are family, a spouse or a friend, as they are trustworthy and don’t cost anything. However, sometimes this support system is not available and you need to hire a carer, whether recommended by your surgeon or as a result of your own research. If you are planning to hire a carer, you should include this cost in your budget.
  • Cost of follow-up appointments – Patients must attend follow-up appointments to ensure a satisfactory recovery.
  • Medical massage – A frequently reported complication after breast implant surgery is capsular contracture, which can be easily avoided with massage therapy. You should also take these costs into account.
  • Transport costs and accommodation – If you are coming from out of state, you need to think about transport costs while you are in the area, depending on your accommodation preferences.

Having trouble choosing the right clinic at the best price? Our coordinator will help you free of charge to make your operation in Tunisia a success. Ask us for a free quote.

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About the author


My name is Emilie Gervais and I live in Istanbul, Turkey. I am a medical writer with extensive scientific knowledge and over 15 years' experience in cancer research and molecular biology. I have experience in congress organisation and project management. I have the ability to convey complex medical and scientific concepts to a variety of audiences through a variety of media, including this website as a medium for my writing.