Hollywood Smile in Tunisia

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Written by Laura

Everything you need to know about Hollywood Smile in Tunisia! What is the average price in Tunis? Our tips for a successful Hollywood Smile in Tunisia.

BestClinic.co.uk provides information about Hollywood Smile in Tunisia and helps you book an operation with qualified surgeons. This content is for information purposes only and is not intended to replace professional medical advice.

Price of a Hollywood Smile in Tunisia

In Tunisia, the average cost of a Hollywood Smile is €3,400. The procedure is carried out under local anaesthetic and lasts 6 days. The length of stay is 7 days. The price includes the anaesthetic, the operation and the medication. The final result is visible immediately.

ProcedureCost Tunisia
Hollywood Smile3400 €

What is the Hollywood Smile?

Hollywood Smile in Tunisia is a cosmetic dentistry term that defines many cosmetic dentistry procedures aimed at getting the best shape, colour and size of your teeth to fit your mouth perfectly.

The most popular cosmetic treatments for the Hollywood smile include crowns or bridges, implants, gingivoplasty and teeth whitening.

Complementary dental treatments such as root canal therapy, composite fillings and tooth extraction are also available to make the oral condition as healthy as necessary for the smile makeover process and to ensure that there are no issues to address prior to the process.

The focal points of Hollywood teeth are correcting tooth colour problems and perfecting their shape. Hollywood smile veneers, crowns or teeth whitening can be used to alter the colour, size and position of a patient’s teeth.

Often, cosmetic gum surgery (such as gingivoplasty) may be required to alter the gum margins and align them to match your new smile.

Why Hollywood Smile?

These therapies are not medically necessary as a set of cosmetic dental procedures. Some patients may also wonder why they need these treatments. Thin, white teeth are the result of cosmetic dental procedures.

After the therapies, patients feel more confident about their appearance. A bad smile can destroy your self-esteem, make you more self-conscious and negatively affect your social relationships.

These treatments can correct the defects in your teeth and enable you to be happy with your smile again. These therapies are also favoured for patients working in highly social fields such as public relations, broadcast journalism, advertising or marketing, and, of course, for those in show business such as social media influencers and fashion models.

A visually unattractive smile can affect job opportunities in careers that include television appearances or multiple meet and greets. This operation can also benefit patients who wish to have more presentable teeth for professional purposes.

How is Hollywood Smile performed?

The Hollywood Smile in Tunisia is often made up of porcelain veneers. These are a thin layer of porcelain that the dentist places on the surface of the tooth enamel. The procedure takes up to two sessions; during the first session, the doctor checks the teeth.

Sometimes a digital smile application is used so that the dentist can draw up a beauty plan for you. The digital design is similar to an architectural visualisation in which people see in 3D animation what their house looks like before they build it.

Next, the dentist can take impressions of your teeth to make laminated porcelain veneers. He sends the impressions to the laboratory so that the models can be created.

This will take a maximum of one week, and the doctor may call you for your second appointment. Your doctor will continue to apply the materials on your second visit. But before that, he or she will clean the surface and trim some of the enamel.

Dentists do this for a reason. It’s to make room for the porcelain veneers and to have a rough surface on which to position the porcelain veneers. This ensures that the veneer stays in place for a long time. After this operation, the dentist adds a special adhesive to the veneers to bond them to the teeth.

Then he or she simply cuts away the excess so that the teeth look normal. This is an important step, as the veneers must fit perfectly in your mouth. The dentist may also ask you to make further appointments after the veneers have been fitted to ensure that everything is working properly.

Dental veneers

If you’re not happy with the natural shade of your teeth and are looking for a long-lasting solution, veneers can improve the aesthetics. Our genetics largely determine the shade of our teeth.

Some people win the genetic lottery for bright white teeth, while others have teeth that are closer to yellow. In some cases, dead nerves can make the enamel of your teeth yellow or greyish, in which case whitening products will not be effective.

The aim of dental veneers is not to restore the colour of your teeth. If your teeth are yellow, they can be covered with veneers to make them appear whiter than they would naturally be.

Veneers are made from thin shells of porcelain or resin designed to fit the shape of your teeth. A dentist can permanently repair veneers to the surface of your teeth to dramatically improve their appearance.

You can wash, floss, eat and speak normally once the veneers have been fitted. Veneers do not require any special care. When designing the veneers, the colour can be chosen by the dentist and the patient.

They can be made to look naturally white to enhance the colour of your teeth. Your smile will be pearly white when the veneers are applied.

They can also be used to repair the shape of your teeth. If your smile is spoiled by a crooked or cracked tooth, a veneer can easily restore its shape so that your smile looks more natural.

Veneers are one of the most sought-after dental products for making smiles more beautiful and aesthetically pleasing. The process is relatively simple and uncomplicated. It requires two or three visits. On your first visit, you can see one of the specialist dentists, who will examine your teeth and take an impression. He will use this impression to design the veneers.

The dentist will discuss the markings on the veneer and the material you prefer to use. He will also give you a shade guide to choose the colour of the veneers. Once the design has been finalised by you and your dentist, it will be sent to the laboratory where the shells will be made.

The veneers will take two days to make, and you will be informed as soon as they are finished. On your second visit, the dentist will use high-tech precision machines to bond the veneers to your teeth.

Once the veneers are bonded, you’re done. The new look, enhanced with the highest quality materials, will be immediately visible.

Dental crowns

Like veneers, crowns are bonded to your teeth to enhance their appearance. A dental crown covers the entire tooth, unlike veneers, which only cover the surface of the tooth. To achieve the perfect Hollywood smile, crowns are highly recommended to improve both the colour and appearance of your teeth.

The crown is like a cap that covers your teeth. Crowns are custom-made in our clinic to resemble veneers. To cover an unsightly colour or other aspect that could ruin your smile, you can get crowns for all your front teeth. Crowns are also highly recommended to repair one or two teeth that could be spoiling your smile.

Is Hollywood Smile right for me?

One of the most influential aspects of this operation is its one-size-fits-all feature. Regardless of the condition of your teeth, the appearance of your denticles and your dental problems, if the condition of your teeth is affecting your self-esteem, a Hollywood Smile makeover in Tunisia will solve your problem. Whether it’s tooth stains, chips, cavities or misshapen teeth, a Hollywood smile will remove almost any flaw to provide a natural result.

How long does the Hollywood Smile last?

It depends on factors such as the medical team performing the operation, the nature of the equipment used and the patient’s follow-up. This is a lifelong treatment, and the dental team uses high-quality products and equipment in a well-equipped dental clinic.

With the help of an X-ray, the consultation involves a thorough examination to determine the treatments needed to give you a long-lasting Hollywood smile.

In particular, treatment options such as dental implants or crowns are designed to last longer, rather than fillings or veneers. Once the treatment has been completed, the medical staff will provide you with detailed information about subsequent care.

Is the Hollywood Smile treatment painful?

This is a question very frequently asked by many patients. It is in fact a painless treatment. However, some patients report feeling a certain amount of discomfort when preparing their teeth for veneers.

While the dentist is removing part of the enamel, he or she has to use a small tool to trim the surface. And it’s this moment that patients might describe as an inconvenience.

After treatment

It’s important to treat your veneers as if they were your normal teeth. They need cleaning, care and hygiene. It is not normal for your teeth to be stained after treatment, but perhaps the edges that touch the tooth.

So try to avoid foods in general, which can cause staining, and try to stay away from hard materials to preserve the quality of your operation.

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About the author


My name is Laura. I have been working as a medical and scientific writer since 2004. With over 15 years' experience in this field, I have acquired extensive expertise in writing, translating and editing a wide range of documents, including scientific and medical research articles and conference proceedings.