Nose reconstruction in Turkey

nose reconstruction 1
Written by Maria

Nose reconstruction in Turkey is a surgical procedure performed to repair or reshape defects of the nose. The main aim of nose reconstruction is to achieve facial harmony. provides information on nose reconstruction in Turkey and helps you book an operation with qualified surgeons. This content is for information purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional.

How much does a nose job cost in Turkey?

The average cost of a nose job in Turkey in Istanbul is €2,700. Depending on your needs, the price can vary from €2,500 to €2,900.

ProcedureCost Turkey
Nose reconstruction2700 €

What is a nose job?

People make eye contact during a conversation, but sometimes another part of the face attracts attention, most likely the nose. Many people have problems with their nose, whether aesthetically or functionally.

Nose reconstruction in Turkey is a surgical procedure performed to repair or reshape defects of the nose. The main aim of nose reconstruction is to achieve facial harmony. However, reconstruction can also prevent functional problems of the nose caused by excessive tension or deviation of the nasal septum.

Nose reconstruction in Istanbul simply reshapes the nose to create a smaller, rounder nose. It is now very popular to undergo rhinoplasty in Turkey, as the country offers nose operations performed by the best rhinoplasty surgeons in well-equipped healthcare facilities. There are many advantages to having a nose job abroad, ranging from low prices to highly satisfactory rhinoplasty results.

Nose jobs can be performed on just one part of the nose, or on the whole. In other words, candidates with a drooping nose can be satisfied with a nose lift, also known as nose tip surgery.

In cases where the nose has a hump, large nostrils or wide wings, the surgeon must perform more than one manoeuvre using different nose operation techniques. Depending on requirements and the technique used, rhinoplasty in Turkey lasts from 1 to 4 hours and is performed under general anaesthetic.

See also: Secondary rhinoplasty in Turkey

Nose reconstruction techniques in Turkey

Rhinoplasty surgeons must plan a personalised rhinoplasty operation for each patient, as they have different needs and expectations. After a physical examination, the surgeon can simply understand which rhinoplasty approach and technique would be most effective.

There are currently three main techniques used for nose reconstruction in Turkey, each targeting different conditions:

Closed rhinoplasty:

This is the rhinoplasty technique most preferred by surgeons and patients, as it has the great advantage of leaving no visible scar after the rhinoplasty operation. Access to the operation area is through the nostrils, so there are no external incisions to make.

Open rhinoplasty:

This technique uses the same incisions as a closed rhinoplasty in Turkey, plus an additional incision on the outside of the nose in the tissue separating the nostrils. By making this extra incision, the rhinoplasty surgeon is able to peel back the skin of the nose and fully expose the internal structure, allowing better visibility and more precise work.


The main aim of rhino-septoplasty is to improve the functionality and appearance of the nose. This rhinoplasty technique uses small incisions made inside the nostrils. The nasal septum can be modified to correct breathing difficulties and a crooked nose bridge.

Rhinoplasty surgery is most often performed using the open technique, as it allows better access for the surgeon, especially in complicated cases. The best technique to use for each case is decided during the consultation with the Turkish surgeons.

See also: Ethnic rhinoplasty in Turkey

Advantages of nose reconstruction in Turkey

For those planning to have nose surgery abroad, your treatment package includes everything you’ll need during your nose reconstruction in Turkey, with the best price guarantee:

  • Free physical consultation
  • Rhinoplasty surgery
  • 6 nights’ accommodation in a 4-star hotel
  • 1 night in hospital
  • Transfers between airport and hotel by private car
  • Personal host
  • Special discount for groups
  • Regular check-ups and follow-up

An increasing number of patients from all over the world are choosing to have their noses reconstructed in Turkey.

Post-operative follow-up

Recovery from rhinoplasty is slow and demanding. Immediately after rhinoplasty surgery in Turkey, you will wake up with a nasal splint attached to your nose and a nasal tampon inside, depending on the rhinoplasty technique used. The nasal pad is usually removed two days later, while the nasal splint is kept on for at least a week.

Patients may experience slight pain, especially in the first three days following the operation. Bruising and swelling are also fairly common during the rhinoplasty recovery period. Most bruising and swelling after rhinoplasty disappears within the first month; however, it takes about a year for patients to fully recover from rhinoplasty.

Results of nose surgery in Turkey

Rhinoplasty can be laborious, as the tissues need considerable time to adapt to the new shape of the nasal bone. In the most severe cases, the results of nose surgery may be noticeable to some extent; however, it is also likely that the nose will look almost identical immediately after rhinoplasty in Turkey. The shape of the nose continues to improve until the end of the first year after rhinoplasty. As the swelling diminishes, the patient will notice that the nose is smaller, symmetrical and that the bump is no longer there.

  • General improvement in facial proportion
  • Improved self-esteem and self-confidence
  • Ability to breathe easily

After nose surgery, patients regain their self-confidence and the operation changes their lives, especially for patients who have undergone septoplasty. The results of nose surgery are best observed after at least one month. Satisfaction with the new proportion of the face should continue to grow, as should recovery.

Turkey is one of the most popular countries for the cost of a nose job, thanks to its renowned medical staff, the large number of operations performed each year, the natural results, the affordable prices and the government incentives for medical tourism.

What is septorhinoplasty?

Do you usually have a dry mouth and snore? Do you find it difficult or impossible to breathe through your nose? If so, you may need a nose job, or more precisely a “septorhinoplasty”. The meaning of septorhinoplasty; septorhinoplasty is an operation to repair both your nose (rhinoplasty) and your nasal septum (septoplasty). The septum is the small wall of tissue that separates your nostrils.

You may need a septorhinoplasty if you have an atypical displacement of your nasal septum, i.e. a deviation of the septum. You may be wondering what a deviated septum means. A deviated septum occurs when the nasal wall inside the nose is folded or curved, preventing some of the air from passing through.

A septorhinoplasty may also be necessary if your nose is disfigured due to an injury, such as trauma. People who want a more attractive nose can also undergo this operation.

You can also undergo this operation to correct problems associated with a previous nose operation. With septorhinoplasty, you’ll be able to breathe easier and have a more attractive nose.

Septorhinoplasty techniques

There are two approaches to septorhinoplasty in Turkey;

  • Open approach: an open septorhinoplasty in İstanbul is usually performed so that the doctor can access the area to be operated on more easily. In the open approach, an incision across the width of the columella is made and the skin is lifted, this way there is greater visibility and increased perfection. This approach has many advantages because the surgeon has access to the entire structure of the nose, including the tip. This approach is often required as part of a septorhinoplasty revision to correct surgical errors or other aesthetic or structural problems. This approach can also be used for patients who require more extensive reconstruction of the nose.
  • Closed approach: This is usually done by entering the areas that will be modified through the inside of the nostril. A closed septorhinoplasty may be suitable for small corrections and modifications. This approach is less invasive, which means shorter healing time and less swelling. As the incisions are made inside the nostrils, there is no visible scar. Closed septorhinoplasty is generally performed on patients who only require a small reconstruction of the nasal tip.

Septorhinoplasty in Turkey

Plastic surgery in Turkey has become very popular, particularly septorhinoplasty, because Turkish surgeons are highly experienced, especially those specialising in septorhinoplasty.

It has been proven that, thanks to their in-depth knowledge, Turkish plastic surgeons can achieve natural results in septorhinoplasty. After their septorhinoplasty in Istanbul, our patients enjoy walking around the city, as shopping in Istanbul is very affordable, as is the cost of septorhinoplasty.

Septorhinoplasty surgery in Turkey usually takes 1 to 2 hours and is performed under general anaesthetic. Our aftercare service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week during your stay in Turkey, in case you experience any pain or discomfort after your septorhinoplasty.

Benefits of septorhinoplasty in Turkey

The treatment package you will receive for septorhinoplasty in Istanbul includes everything you may need and comes with a best price guarantee:

  • Free consultation
  • Septorhinoplasty operation with one of the best surgeons in Istanbul
  • Stay in a 4-star hotel for 6 nights
  • 1 night in hospital
  • All transfers by private car
  • Personal host
  • Special discount for groups
  • Free check-up and periodic follow-up
  • Physical follow-up in the UK

Recovery, results and cost of septorhinoplasty in Turkey

Recovery from septorhinoplasty:

During the recovery period from septorhinoplasty, the patient will need to be patient as it will be slow and demanding. Immediately after a septorhinoplasty in Istanbul, the patient will wake up with a nasal splint attached to the nose and, depending on the technique used by the doctor, a nasal tampon will probably be placed inside.

Three days after a closed septorhinoplasty or an open septorhinoplasty, it is normal for patients to feel some pain. Bruising and swelling are also very normal during the recovery period from septorhinoplasty. Most bruising and swelling disappears within the first month, but it takes about a year for patients to fully recover from septorhinoplasty.

The Turkish surgeon may ask you to follow certain instructions for several weeks after the operation to reduce the risk of bleeding and swelling. Depending on the difficulty of the operation, the patient may not need to follow all these instructions:

  • When you sleep, sleep with 2 or 3 pillows so that your head is elevated.
  • For several weeks after septorhinoplasty, patients are not allowed to blow their nose.
  • Wear clothes that meet at the front like a zip or button; don’t wear clothes like shirts, jumpers or hoodies that you have to pull over your head.
  • Three weeks after the operation, bruising and swelling should diminish.
  • Up to five weeks, to avoid causing a possible nosebleed. Avoid strenuous activities such as aerobics and jogging.
  • 4 to 6 weeks later, patients can begin strenuous activities.

Results of septorhinoplasty:

3 to 6 months after septorhinoplasty, your nasal material will be moderately stable. It is always possible for the cartilage and material to shift or remodel over time. Various changes may still occur for a year or more after septorhinoplasty in Turkey.

Most patients find that septorhinoplasty helps relieve symptoms such as difficulty breathing caused by a deviated septum. The degree of improvement a patient can expect after septorhinoplasty varies from person to person.

Some patients may find that they still have symptoms even after the procedure and choose to have a second septorhinoplasty to further improve their nose and septum.

Cost of septorhinoplasty :

Turkey has become a very popular country because of the affordable prices of plastic surgery and because Turkish plastic surgeons are very experienced in what they do. When patients compare the price of the septorhinoplasty procedure with the price in their own country, they realise that the price is very affordable in Turkey and the quality of the doctors is very high. So it’s a win-win situation. Because the patients who come here are operated on by us, the results they get from operations like septorhinoplasty will look natural.

If you’ve had to live with a nose that didn’t help you breathe properly and you just didn’t like the way it looked, you can now have it repaired. You may be worried about the cost of septorhinoplasty, which is understandable. But imagine being able to breathe properly, imagine how it will affect your sleep, it will affect you in many ways if you were bothered by the deviation, after the procedure, that won’t be the case. So, basically, it will give you another reason to smile and at a more economical price. What’s more, you’ll have the opportunity to discover another culture.

Pre- and post-operative instructions for rhinoplasty and septorhinoplasty

Important note:
Surgery will be CANCELLED if there is any possibility that the patient is pregnant or has health problems (the anaesthetist will check before the patient is taken to the operating theatre).

Two weeks before the operation:

  • Stop drinking alcohol and smoking. Nicotine affects blood circulation, which could affect the outcome of your operation and increase the risk of complications linked to anaesthesia.
  • Do not take products containing ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs or vitamin E.

One day before the operation:


The day of the operation:

  • Patients may shower before going to hospital
  • Patients must not wear make-up. There must be no product on the hair, and nail varnish and false eyelashes must be removed.
  • Patients should bring a bag containing loose-fitting clothes and comfortable shoes.
  • Patients should not wear jewellery or bring valuables to the operation.

Post-operative instructions

  • Patients should not smoke or drink alcohol for a fortnight.
  • Patients should not wash the nose area for one week. Avoid washing the nose area for one week.
  • Keep the nasal splint on until the check-up.
  • Patients may walk on the day of the operation and afterwards to avoid blood clots; they should also move their legs frequently.
  • It is normal to feel tired for the first few days.
  • Take all medication as instructed by your surgeon. Take your pain medication before the pain becomes severe, as you can expect discomfort around the incision for 24 hours after the operation.
  • Bruising and swelling are to be expected for a week, and it will take between 6 and 12 months to see the final result.
  • Adhesive strips will be applied after your check-up. Keep your strips clean and dry for 5 days, then you can remove them.
  • At first, you can take a quick shower with your back to the water, keeping your incisions completely dry to avoid infection.

Patients undergoing nose surgery stay in hospital overnight and the operation is carried out under general anaesthetic. It is very important for patients to follow their plastic surgeon’s instructions to ensure that the healing process takes place as it should.

Procedure:Improves the size of the nose, changes the shape of the nasal tip and/or bridge and/or nostrils.
Duration:1 to 3 hours
Stay :1 night in hospital, 6 nights in hotel
Anaesthesia :General anaesthetic
Recovery time:7 to 10 days to return to work
What to bring :Comfortable clothing (sweatshirts, buttoned or zipped shirt, etc.)
Side effects:Bloating, swelling, temporary loss of sense of smell, bleeding.
Complications :Scarring, bleeding, seroma, infection, extrusion, swelling, bruising and pain, asymmetry, increased or reduced sensation, damage to deep structures, unsatisfactory result, change over time, allergic reaction (chest infection, blood clots, heart attack or stroke and death), hole in septum (septal perforation), breathing difficulties, impaired sense of smell.
Exercise:After 3 to 4 weeks
Scars :No
Pain:Mild (depends on the patient)
Results:Swelling decreases after 7 to 15 days and final results are revealed between 6 months and 1 year.
Several surgical operations:Liposuction, breast surgery, hair transplants

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About the author


My name is Maria. I have over 10 years' experience as a marketing manager in the medical industry. I have successfully launched several products on the market, including medical devices, and I have a great passion for sales and marketing.