Nose surgery in Turkey

nose surgery Turkey 1
Written by Manuella

Rhinoplasty in Turkey is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in the world for reshaping an unsightly nose and making it more functional. provides information about nose surgery in Turkey and helps you book an operation with qualified surgeons. This content is for information purposes only and is not intended to replace professional medical advice.

Price of nose surgery in Turkey

The average cost of nose surgery in Turkey in Istanbul is €2,300. Depending on your needs, the price can vary from 2,000 euros to 2,600 euros.

ProcedureCost Turkey
Nose surgery2300 €

Why Turkey?

Turkey is one of the top five countries in the health tourism sector. Every year, more and more tourists choose Turkey as their destination for health reasons and treatment.

The Turkish government is continually improving the health system; one of its objectives for 2023 is to attract more than 2 million health tourists to earn 20 billion dollars. Of course, Turkey has achieved significant goals in this respect.

Today, Turkish hospitals welcome more than a million international clients every year. This shows that Turkey is taking very important steps to attract better health tourists in order to develop its healthcare infrastructure. This trend looks set to continue.

Why might Istanbul be the best destination for health tourism?

At the beginning of the new millennium, the health tourism industry was recognised as one of the most profitable tourism sectors to attract tourists; the global revenue of this industry is estimated at one hundred billion dollars; hence the massive and breathtaking competition that has formed between countries to attract health tourists.

The weakness of most countries when it comes to health tourism is cost, whereas this is a strength for Turkey. Medical expenses in Istanbul are much lower than in Western Europe and the United States. On the other hand, the quality of Turkish medical services is comparable to that of the most advanced medical centres in the world.

In addition, to attract more foreign clients, the Turkish Ministry of Health provides additional facilities and subsidies for clients from other countries.

Before and after photos

Another point that can be mentioned is that Turkey is one of the most crucial tourist destinations in the world, which has led to improved tourist and social infrastructures for foreign visitors. For example, Turkey has state-of-the-art hotels and accommodation, modern public transport infrastructure and, generally speaking, everything a tourist needs.

This makes Istanbul an ideal destination for tourism, particularly health tourism.

Read also: Ethnic rhinoplasty in Turkey

How can I trust Turkish hospitals?

With over 24 hospitals on the JIAC (Joint International Accreditation Commission) accreditation list, Turkey is one of the countries with the largest hospitals and medical centres.

Having this index for a medical centre means that effective and safe methods are used to treat patients in a medical centre, and that very favourable conditions are offered and the well-being of patients is taken care of in this medical centre.

If you look at the conditions and rules required for inclusion on this list, you will see that it is a very strict indicator. The medical centres on this list are safe and secure in every respect. So, with more than 24 hospitals on this list, Turkey is one of the most reliable countries in the world when it comes to medical services.

Rhinoplasty in Istanbul

Although the nose is one of the human body’s essential organs for breathing and its primary function is that of a valve to deliver oxygen to the body, the nose is known as the most important organ of the face in terms of beauty, and is given more attention. This is why rhinoplasty in Turkey is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in the world.

Who is the right candidate for nose surgery in Turkey?

As most of the structure of the nose is made up of bone tissue and bone growth continues until the end of adolescence, the best candidate for rhinoplasty is someone whose bone growth has been completed.

Otherwise, after the operation, the growth of bone tissue may cause the nose to become misshapen and deviate from the desired result. It is therefore recommended not to undergo rhinoplasty before the age of 18.

On the other hand, people who suffer from respiratory problems due to structural problems in the nose, or who have had a broken nose as a result of an accident, or who require nose surgery for medical reasons, may be candidates for rhinoplasty in Istanbul.

See also: Secondary rhinoplasty in Turkey

How much does nose surgery cost in Turkey?

While the cost of a rhinoplasty in Europe is between €4,000 and €5,800, the cost of nose surgery in Turkey is €2,500. This difference in price is due to differences in living expenses and labour costs, as well as differences between the Turkish and European/American currencies.

The quality of rhinoplasty in Istanbul is no different from that in the United States and Europe. Turkey has experienced cosmetic surgeons trained in Europe and the United States who have excellent skills in rhinoplasty.

So, by choosing Turkey as the place to have a rhinoplasty, not only will you achieve the ideal look, but you can also save a lot of money. What’s more, you’ll be visiting one of the world’s most important tourist destinations at the same time.

Here are some common questions about rhinoplasty and a brief answer to them

How long is the recovery period after nose surgery in Turkey?

As very advanced and effective methods are used today for rhinoplasty, the recovery period is much shorter than previous methods.

Many new methods require no stitches or only a few. In the first 48 hours after the operation, ice can have a considerable impact on reducing bruising and recovery time.

During the first week, a silicone splint is used on the nose; at the end of the first week, the splint is removed and only a protective label is used. After 10 days, the patient can resume regular, everyday activities.

The important point here is that the nose should not be struck for the first three weeks. The desired final result for the appearance of the nose can be seen within approximately 6 months (of course, this period depends on the type of operation and the patient’s post-operative care).

How long can I wear glasses after rhinoplasty?

The bone and cartilage tissues are completely repaired after 6 weeks; after this period, you can use glasses without any problem.

How long after rhinoplasty can I exercise again?

The first two weeks after the operation are very important for the repair of the tissues, so it is advisable to ensure that you have no contact with your nose. Of course, after 10 days, you can start doing light exercise, and after 6 weeks of heavy exercise, there are no more obstacles.

Can I smell after rhinoplasty?

Naturally, the sense of smell is not a problem in nasal surgery. However, the sense of smell may diminish after the operation because the nasal mucosa is manipulated during the operation. However, this minor problem will gradually disappear over a period of six months. There is therefore no need to worry.

How do I sleep after rhinoplasty?

For the first two nights, you should keep your head at a 45-degree angle. For the first week, you should not sleep on your side because of a splint. After the splint has been removed, you can sleep on your side, but if you sleep too much on your side, the nose may become deformed and take on a different shape to your ideal nose. So you need to be careful about this.

Is it possible to have revision surgery?

Yes, of course, it is possible that every year around 15% of rhinoplasty patients tend to have their nose revised. This can have many causes, including dissatisfaction with the appearance of the nose or medical problems. Although there is no limit to how often rhinoplasty can be repeated, each repeat of this procedure poses more problems for the doctor and the patient, and may result in more side effects for the patient.

How do I know if I still need rhinoplasty?

Given that the final shape of the nose is visible after 6 months of rhinoplasty, during these six months do not rush or judge the result of your rhinoplasty.

Many people become anxious and dissatisfied with the appearance of their nose during this period, while the result makes them regret this early judgement. But after this period, if you still feel dissatisfied and think that this is not your ideal nose, or if you have serious breathing problems, consult your surgeon.

Does rhinoplasty affect my vocal cords?

The vocal cords are not affected during rhinoplasty, so your voice will not be harmed. On the other hand, as this operation opens up the airways and certain breathing problems will be resolved, it will help you to pronounce certain letters more easily and have a clearer voice.

Does rhinoplasty reduce snoring?

Snoring is one of the most annoying problems you can have. This problem can have many different reasons, but it is interesting to know if your snoring is linked to structural and physical problems of the nose, rhinoplasty surgeon it can also solve these problems during cosmetic surgery and make you feel better.

It is therefore best to consult your doctor before rhinoplasty, so that he or she can take the necessary measures for you during the operation, if required.

Does rhinoplasty treat sinus infections?

Sinus infections are one of the most common types of respiratory infection in the world, affecting tens of millions of people every year, especially in the autumn. It may come as a surprise to you, but as well as affecting your appearance, rhinoplasty can also solve many of your physical problems, and sinus infections are among the most significant of these problems. For more details and coordination, don’t forget to consult your doctor before the operation.

What should I do before rhinoplasty?

Before the operation, be sure to talk to your Turkish doctor about the type and details of the operation. You should talk to your doctor if you have an underlying illness or are taking certain medicines. Even very small things can have a major impact on the result and your satisfaction with it. So don’t underestimate any factor.

Your doctor may ask you to have some tests before the operation, so do these carefully and as instructed.

Your doctor may ask you to take certain medicines before the operation or to change your current medicines. If this is the case, please ensure that you take these medicines in accordance with your doctor’s instructions.

If you smoke, your Turkish doctor will ask you to stop smoking for at least 6 months, which is essential for your health during and after the operation, while you recover. So make sure you take these instructions seriously.

Avoid aspirin and drugs that reduce blood density and increase bleeding. If you are taking these drugs, be sure to ask your doctor to stop them for a limited period or to prescribe alternative medicines.

Is nose surgery in Turkey painful?

This operation is not very painful. However, some patients may experience itching and tenderness, which also depends on the type of operation and may be due to pressure escaping from the airways or sinuses during the operation. However, your surgeon can give you the best advice on how to reduce the pain; you can also consult your doctor about using painkillers.

What are the side effects of nose surgery in Turkey?

Bruising and swelling are among the most common complications of rhinoplasty, although these side effects disappear within 7 to 10 days. In addition, bruising around the eyes is also a common side effect after rhinoplasty, which is nothing to worry about. And don’t forget that these side effects may last less or longer, depending on your age.

In conclusion, it should be noted that rhinoplasty is one of the most common cosmetic procedures in the world, so medical science has made significant progress in this area, as well as new and more advanced methods in this field every day; it is therefore considered one of the least dangerous surgeries.

Another point was that the choice of an experienced doctor. He has equipped the treatment centre is one of the most critical factors for success and satisfaction after rhinoplasty. Where you live during this period can also be a critical factor in this regard.

Consequently, Turkey, which is one of the best-equipped countries in terms of cosmetic surgery, has competent and experienced doctors in this field. What’s more, accommodation in this country guarantees you a comfortable stay. Turkey is the only country that can offer you this type of package at the lowest possible cost.

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About the author


My name is Manuella Fiorentini. I am an experienced marketing professional in the medical device and pharmaceutical industries. With over 7 years' experience, I have worked in creative and strategic roles to develop marketing campaigns, product launches and international conferences.