Cost of a sex change in Spain

price sex change spain 1
Written by Laurence

This is the surgical procedure performed in Spain to change the physical appearance and function of existing sexual characteristics from one sex to the other. provides information about sex reassignment in Spain and helps you book an operation with qualified surgeons. This content is for information purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional.

Price of a sex change in Spain

The average cost of a sex change in Spain in Madrid is €15,000. Depending on your needs, the price can vary from €12,000 to €18,000.

ProcedurePrice Spain
Sex change15 000 €

What is a sex change?

Sex reassignment surgery in Spain is a surgical procedure designed to change a person’s physical appearance and the function of their existing sexual characteristics from one sex to the other. This type of surgery is also known as sexual reconstruction surgery. People who undergo sex reassignment surgery are generally referred to as transsexuals.

Reasons for sex reassignment surgery in Spain

  • Birth defects: Newborns with intersex deformities must be assigned to one sex or the other from the start of their lives. These deformities represent female genitalia and the transformation into male genitalia caused by the stimulation of male hormones. Newborns with ambiguous organs will almost always be assigned to the female sex, unless the penis is at least one inch long.
  • Elective: Sometimes men and women believe that they are physically of a different sex from the one they are mentally and emotionally. This belief runs so deep that they are willing to undergo surgery to resemble the gender with which they identify.

Male-to-female sex reassignment surgery

  • This involves reshaping the male genitalia to give them the appearance and function of the female genitalia. Patients in Madrid must first undergo hormone replacement therapy and hair removal. Hair removal depends on the age at which hormone replacement therapy begins. Patients may also undergo other surgical procedures, such as facial feminisation and breast augmentation.
  • The operation involves removing the testicles and then inverting the skin of the penis and foreskin to form a fully sensitive vagina. This procedure is known as vaginoplasty and is performed to preserve the blood and nerve supply. A clitoris can be formed from part of the glans. In rare cases where there is a lack of skin, a vaginal lining can be created using skin grafts from the thighs, hips or a section of the colon. After the operation, the female hormone oestrogen reshapes the contours of the body and stimulates the growth of satisfactory labia majora.

Female-to-male sex reassignment surgery

  • This involves reshaping the female genitalia to give them the appearance and function of male genitalia.
  • Surgical procedures that can also be carried out on patients in Spain include bilateral mastectomy (removal of the breasts), hysterectomy (removal of the internal sexual organs) and breast remodelling (obtaining a more typical male breast shape).
  • Before the operation, the patient generally undergoes hormone treatment based on testosterone, a male hormone.

Sexual satisfaction

The ability to have orgasms is directly associated with sexual satisfaction. After sexual reassignment surgery, you will experience sexual arousal during sexual activity, including masturbation.


The risks associated with any surgical procedure are present in sex reassignment surgery in Spain. These include post-operative pain, infection and dissatisfaction with the expected results. Narrowing of the new vagina is the most common complication of male-to-female sex reassignment surgery. It can be corrected by dilatation or by using part of the colon to form a vagina. Penile dysfunction is a frequent complication of female-to-male sex reassignment surgery. The patient may require psychiatric care for many years after sex reassignment surgery.

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About the author


My name is Laurence Tung. I'm a medical writer with a scientific background in several fields. I have recently covered therapeutic areas such as rheumatology and hypercholesterolaemia. I also have expertise in genomics, epigenetics, molecular biology and biochemistry. I help this site to publish quality articles on medical tourism.