Tummy Tuck in Turkey

tummy tuck prize turkey 1
Written by Émilie

Also known as abdominoplasty or tummy tuck, Tummy Tuck in Turkey is a surgical procedure designed to create a toned, firm and flat abdomen by removing excess skin and fat.

BestClinic.co.uk provides information about Tummy Tuck in Turkey and helps you book an operation with qualified surgeons. This content is for information purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional.

Price of a Tummy Tuck in Turkey

The average cost of a Tummy Tuck in Turkey in Istanbul is €3,400. Depending on your needs, the price can vary from 3100 euros to 3700 euros. This price includes the hotel, taxi, translator, operation, medication and compression garment. The stay in Istanbul lasts 7 days, with 1 night’s hospitalisation.

ProcedureCost Turkey
Tummy Tuck3400 €

What is a Tummy Tuck?

A tummy tuck procedure removes some of your excess skin and fat and tightens the muscles in your abdominal wall.

Also known asabdominoplasty or tummy tuck, Tummy Tuck in Turkey is a surgical procedure in Turkey in Istanbul that aims to create a toned, firm and flat abdomen by removing excess skin and fat. It has both cosmetic and medical benefits, as it can tighten abdominal muscles, restore tummy contour, improve posture, correct hernias and reduce urinary incontinence.

The Tommy Tuck is suitable for people who want to remove excess skin due to significant weight loss, ageing or pregnancy. However, not everyone can have a tummy tuck. Your Turkish surgeon in Istanbul may prohibit you from undergoing the procedure if you plan to lose a lot of weight, if you wish to become pregnant in the future, if your body mass index (BMI) is over 30, if you smoke, if you suffer from a serious chronic illness and if you have already undergone abdominal surgery that has left scars.

What you need to understand is that a tummy tuck is not an alternative to weight loss or an appropriate exercise programme. Although the results are largely permanent, maintaining a positive result will require you to adopt a healthier lifestyle.

Furthermore, this type of treatment is not the same as liposuction. A tummy tuck is a major operation and not everyone who wishes to undergo it is a good candidate. Generally speaking, this specific type of treatment is suitable for both men and women in good health. It is also suitable for women who have had more than one pregnancy, and for men and women who were previously obese and still have excess fat and loose skin around the stomach.

If you are obese, you will be advised to postpone your Tommy Tuck plans:

  • You’re thinking of getting pregnant – you may want to consider this once you’ve finished having children. An abdominoplasty tightens your vertical muscles and future pregnancies could re-separate these muscles.
  • You’re planning to lose weight – a tummy tuck should be performed after you’ve lost weight.

In preparation for a Tummy Tuck procedure in Turkey, you will need to consult your Turkish surgeon. During this consultation, you will be asked about your desired outcome and goals. In addition, your surgeon will also discuss the following options:

  • Partial abdominoplasty (mini-abdominoplasty) – this is for people who have fat deposits below the belly button. This type of Tummy Tuck usually takes about two hours, depending on the case.
  • Full Abdominoplasty – In this type of procedure, an incision is usually made from one hip bone to the other, following the contour of the skin, tissues and muscles as required. It will also be necessary to move the patient’s navel; patients must also have tubular drainage under the skin for a few days.

Before your operation, you may be asked to do the following:

  • Stop smoking two weeks before and two weeks after your operation.
  • Eat well-balanced, complete meals.
  • Stop taking certain medications before and after your operation (prescription drugs, herbal remedies and supplements)

A Tummy Tuck operation in Turkey lasts between 1 and 5 hours. You will also be given a general anaesthetic during the operation, which means that you will be asleep throughout.

How long do you have to stay after a Tummy Tuck in Turkey?

Depending on the extent of the Tummy Tuck, you may need to stay in hospital overnight or leave the hospital on the same day. However, as you will need to undergo follow-up examinations and allow your body to heal, you must stay in Turkey for at least 7 days after leaving hospital. Your surgeon will check your general state of health and remove the stitches during follow-up examinations.

What is the recovery time?

The recovery period after a Tummy Tuck in Turkey depends on various factors, such as your general state of health, your weight and your age. In general, you can return to work (if your job does not require a lot of physical activity) and do light exercise (such as walking) within two to three weeks of the operation. You may have to wait about 6-8 weeks before you can resume your usual activities, including vigorous ones. However, your body will continue to heal for a few more months, so it’s best to take it easy until your surgeon allows you to resume full activity.

Post-operative care in Istanbul

Your surgeon will give you detailed follow-up instructions. To avoid any complications, it is important that you follow them closely. These instructions may include restrictions (such as a ban on alcohol and nicotine), light exercise and a healthy diet. Your surgeon will also tell you how to find an optimal resting position so that you are comfortable during your recovery. It is important to keep moving and do light exercise after the operation to maintain blood circulation and reduce the risk of blood clots.

To maintain the results of the Tummy Tuck, you should eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly, for at least 30 to 60 minutes a day. You should also limit your alcohol intake. Staying fit and healthy is essential for lasting results.

Tummy Tuck success rate

Most tummy tuck patients report positive results. Only around 3.1% of people developed complications after the operation. However, although the success rate is high, you should be aware that the procedure carries certain risks of complications, including oedema (accumulation of fluid under the skin), unexpected scarring, poor healing, tissue damage, bleeding, infection, allergic reaction to the anaesthetic and changes in skin sensation. This is why it is so important to follow your surgeon’s follow-up instructions, as this will reduce the risk of complications.

Alternatives to Tummy Tuck

Although there are non-surgical options that can be considered as an alternative to this type of treatment procedure in Istanbul, note that these alternatives will not give you the same results as a Tummy Tuck. These non-surgical alternatives only result in limited skin tightening and a small reduction in fat.

CoolSculpting – In this procedure, your fat cells will be frozen and eventually eliminated by your body. You’ll usually see results after a few weeks and its final effects will usually show within three months.

SculpSure – Unlike CoolSculpting, SculpSure uses a laser beam to kill your fat cells. During the procedure, the laser will be used to heat the fat cells until they are irreversibly damaged. Once your fat cells are damaged, they will eventually be swept away by your body’s lymphatic system. As with CoolSculpting, it will take around three months to see full results.

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About the author


My name is Emilie Gervais and I live in Istanbul, Turkey. I am a medical writer with extensive scientific knowledge and over 15 years' experience in cancer research and molecular biology. I have experience in congress organisation and project management. I have the ability to convey complex medical and scientific concepts to a variety of audiences through a variety of media, including this website as a medium for my writing.