Bariatric surgery in Tunisia

bariatric surgery tunisia 1
Written by Maria

The aim of bariatric surgery is to limit the amount of food that the stomach can hold, thereby enabling weight loss. The most commonly performed bariatric surgeries in Tunisia are gastric balloon surgery, gastric banding, sleeve gastrectomy and gastric bypass. In this article, find out all about bariatric surgery in Tunisia and the details of each procedure. provides information about bariatric surgery in Tunisia and helps you book an operation with qualified surgeons. This content is for information purposes only and is not intended to replace professional medical advice.

Price of bariatric surgery in Tunisia

The price of a gastric bypass in Tunisia is €4,300. A gastric sleeve costs €3800. Gastric banding costs €3,500. And the cost of a gastric balloon in Tunisia is €1900. These prices may vary according to the reputation of the clinic, the surgeon and the length of stay.

ProcedureCost in eurosLength of stay
Gastric bypass4300 €6 days
Gastric sleeve3800 €6 days
Gastric band3500 €4 days
Gastric balloon1900 €1 day

What is bariatric surgery in Tunisia?

Bariatric surgery or obesity surgery is an operation that enables patients to feel full more quickly. It is a treatment for patients suffering from advanced obesity who need to lose weight quickly.

Generally speaking, patients who undergo this operation have a BMI of over 40, or 35 if there are co-morbidities. This operation is carried out in Tunisia by the best specialists, there is very strict monitoring and patients are looked after by several specialists before and after the operation, in particular a psychologist and a nutritionist.

Gastric banding

Gastric banding is a popular obesity procedure in Tunisia. It is very quick, taking less than an hour to perform, and complications are very low.

It involves fitting an inflatable ring, rather like a balloon, which will reduce the absorption of nutrients.

Sleeve gastrectomy

During gastric sleeve surgery, a large part of the stomach is removed and a narrow tube is formed in its place using a tube during the operation. In this operation, the excess part of the stomach is permanently removed.

In this way, the patient will be forced to eat small quantities slowly. This procedure also reduces the level of the hormone responsible for appetite, so satiety can be felt very quickly after a meal.

Gastric bypass

Gastric bypass is used in bariatric surgery. It is a restrictive mechanism that shortens the digestive system. In other words, the absorption of ingested food is reduced, enabling rapid weight loss.

This practice involves cutting the upper part of the stomach to create a small pouch that is connected to the small intestine by a loop. The degree of absorption depends on the length of the loop.

The gastric balloon

The gastric balloon is a temporary, non-surgical medical device that involves the endoscopic insertion of a balloon into the stomach. This balloon, filled with a saline solution, takes up space in the stomach and reduces the feeling of hunger, as the patient feels fuller more quickly.

The Allurion Elipse gastric balloon is a device that remains in place in the stomach for 6 months before being eliminated naturally. As a general rule, a weight loss of 15% is observed.

What is the profile of a candidate for bariatric surgery in Tunisia?

Bariatric surgery in Tunisia is prescribed for people wishing to lose weight who are severely obese or have co-morbidities.

Bariatric surgery may be considered as a therapeutic option if the patient :

  • Has a body mass index of 40 or more (severe obesity).
  • Has a body mass index between 35 and 40, but has health problems such as diabetes and/or hypertension.

Obesity operations can result in the loss of up to 50% of excess weight, but it must be borne in mind that this is not a miracle. The patient must be involved so that the weight loss can be sustained over time, by adopting a healthy lifestyle and taking regular exercise.

Once all the conditions have been met and the patient is deemed ready to make the necessary efforts, the operation can proceed.

How is bariatric surgery carried out in Tunisia?

If you are considering bariatric surgery, the results are guaranteed. In fact, you will be surrounded by a team of doctors who are graduates not only of the Faculty of Medicine, but also of the best universities in the world, and you will be accompanied in the best possible way.

It’s important to remember that candidates for bariatric surgery undergo a long process, from pre-op to post-op. The aim is to ensure that everything goes as smoothly as possible.

Before bariatric surgery

First of all, the patient undergoes a full 6-month medical check-up, which may be carried out in the establishment chosen for the surgery in Tunisia or by specialists. The aim of this follow-up is to determine whether the patient is really ready to undergo this operation and to inform him or her about all the procedures.

From the first month of follow-up, the patient meets the surgeon, psychologist, nutritionist,endocrinologistandanaesthetist. Depending on their state of health, they may also see other specialists such as cardiologists and pulmonologists.

After this, a full assessment of the patient’s general condition and obesity is carried out, and the patient’s psychological state is also taken into account to ensure that the operation goes as smoothly as possible. Once the assessment has been carried out and the follow-up completed, the patient can finally undergo bariatric surgery to lose weight.

The operation itself

In the vast majority of cases, bariatric surgery is performed by laparoscopy, which involves inserting a probe with a camera into the abdominal wall without opening it. The operation takes around 1 hour for gastric banding, 2 hours for sleeve surgery, up to 3 hours for bypass surgery, and 30 minutes to insert a gastric balloon.

For bypass, sleeve and gastric banding, the operation is carried out under anaesthetic, with the patient remaining in the recovery room for 1 to 2 hours and being given painkillers to limit any pain. To check the results of the operation, an X-ray examination is carried out the next day, and the patient is then able to get up with assistance.

The hospital stay is short, depending on the patient’s general condition, and generally lasts from 2 to 8 days, depending on the type of surgery.

Precautions to take after bariatric surgery

Following surgery, the patient is given time off work, which can last from 15 to 30 days depending on the patient’s general condition.

After this type of operation, you should resume eating gradually, as it can sometimes be painful. To avoid vomiting and pain, meals are divided into small quantities, and for the first few days, food is exclusively liquid. Thereafter, the food is ground for a few weeks before being able to return to a solid diet.

It should be noted that following the operation, the quantity of food is permanently reduced. Specialists strongly advise you to stop eating at the first signs of fullness and tightness. It is also preferable to avoid drinking in the middle of a meal.

Following weight loss and the reduction in the amount of food eaten, it is possible to observe nutritional deficiencies in many patients. This is why a number of check-ups are carried out, with 4 follow-ups in the first year and one a year thereafter. If any deficiencies are found, the specialist prescribes appropriate food supplements.

Finally, the aim of bariatric surgery is to get rid of excess weight over the long term, so the patient will need to make the necessary efforts to ensure that the operation is a success. This means following a well-balanced diet and regular exercise.

Length of stay in Tunisia

The price of bariatric surgery depends on the type of operation and the length of the medical stay in Tunisia. Here is an approximate price list to give you an idea:

  • Gastric band: from 3500 euros for 4 days ;
  • Gastric sleeve: from 3800 euros for 4 days;
  • Gastric bypass: from 4300 euros for 6 days;
  • Gastric balloon: from €1,900 for 1 day.

Prices also vary according to the severity of the patient’s obesity and the complexity of the surgery.

Of course, you’ll also need to factor in the cost of post-operative follow-up and check-ups to detect any deficiencies.

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About the author


My name is Maria. I have over 10 years' experience as a marketing manager in the medical industry. I have successfully launched several products on the market, including medical devices, and I have a great passion for sales and marketing.