Bone grafting in Hungary

bone grafting price hungary 1 1
Written by Laurence

The term “bone graft” may sound a little frightening, but it really isn’t! Bone grafting in Budapest, Hungary, is also known as bone augmentation. provides information about bone grafting in Hungary and helps you book an operation with qualified surgeons. This content is for information purposes only and is not intended to replace professional medical advice.

Price of a bone graft in Hungary

The average cost of a bone graft in Hungary in Budapest is €800. Depending on your needs, the price can vary from 700 euros to 900 euros.

ProcedureCost Hungary
Bone graft800 €

What is a bone graft?

The term “bone graft” may sound a little frightening, but it really isn’t! Bone grafting in Hungary in Budapest, also known as bone augmentation, is a simple, fast and incredibly common procedure.

In the past, bone was taken from another part of the body, usually another part of the jaw or hip, and granules were added to the affected area. In recent years, the granules have been either bovine or synthetic. If you absolutely do not want any material of animal origin to be used, please specify this at the time of your appointment.

How do I know if I need a bone graft?

When you apply to Budapest, be sure to send an X-ray of the area to be treated. If you only have one area to be treated, a small X-ray may be enough to give you a rough idea of the cost, but if you need several areas or an entire mouth to be treated, a panoramic X-ray (OPG) will be necessary.

Why bone grafting in Hungary?

The alveolar bone in your jaw has a single function: to hold your teeth in place. If a tooth is missing, the bone is no longer needed and begins to dissolve.

When you finally decide to have an implant, or notice that your face has started to sag, you will first need a bone graft to hold the implant in place. You may lose bone for other reasons too.

  • Periodontitis
  • Trauma to the face, such as an accident
  • Developmental or genetic defects

Is a bone graft painful?

There aren’t many nerves in the jawbone, so the procedure isn’t as painful as you might think. However, to make you more comfortable, you will be given a local anaesthetic to make the procedure painless.

You can also opt for sedation. The area concerned may be painful for up to two days afterwards, and you can take the painkillers of your choice, such as ibuprofen and/or paracetamol.

What are the risks associated with a bone graft?

Bone grafting in Hungary is very common and is often an integral part of implant placement. It is a simple outpatient procedure that generally poses no problems. There is a risk of infection and some people are given antibiotics in case this happens.

Types of bone grafting in Budapest

There are three types of bone graft, depending on the amount of bone to be reconstituted and where the implant is to be placed in the jaw. They can be thought of as small, medium and large bone grafts.

Small bone graft or ossicle graft

These are carried out at the same time as the extraction of a tooth and prevent any bone resorption. This is an inexpensive procedure in Hungary, costing around €180 per tooth.

A small amount of hydroxyapatite, a granular synthetic material, is inserted into the socket and held in place by a membrane and a few dissolvable stitches. Over the following months, your own bone uses the apatite as a framework to grow and form a stable environment for your implant.

Medium bone graft

If the tooth or teeth have been missing for some time, the dentist will make a small incision in the affected area, prepare the bone surface and place chips from another part of the jaw along with hydroxyapatite granules or, more often, apatite alone. The graft is held in place by a membrane and then sutured.

Large bone graft

This must be done in people who have been without teeth for a very long time, usually denture wearers. There is so little bone left that they can no longer wear their dentures.

The procedure in Budapest is the same as for the average graft, but it takes much longer for the natural bone to develop sufficient height and width to accommodate implants. It is sometimes necessary to use bone from the hip or tibia.

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About the author


My name is Laurence Tung. I'm a medical writer with a scientific background in several fields. I have recently covered therapeutic areas such as rheumatology and hypercholesterolaemia. I also have expertise in genomics, epigenetics, molecular biology and biochemistry. I help this site to publish quality articles on medical tourism.